mercredi 17 janvier 2018

Circumpolar Phantasies

Polar Angel

   History with its intentional magnetic pull scratching on the inner eyes and ears, deletes the sincere investigation of what regard should be put upon one’s surroundings. And this is knowingly why schools were built in contemporaneous times. Putting in the place of direct understanding within the soft ungracious hidden cranial substance, an intervening obstacle to real learning !

   Why should we adore with all our mindless attention the fruitless facsimiles crowding our brains and hearts ? Only to kiss the ass of some political cunt in the making ! Or who was made up before the eyes ever opened in the cradle.

   ** * ** **
   But history is a myth to be used intelligently. Like a grimoire recopied in negligence. But in faith, where ill-written letters & numbers depict living things filled with value. Parsimoniously, so that with what little we would suspect to know, we might invent some prosperous dream in the great and infinite Mind of the True Man to be. And there forget to be mesmerized by someone else still again, transforming all that fake knowledge we have gained into an Ideal and necessary instructive tool to reach forth into the inevitable tender darkness of our Great Divinity ! Making sign posts within the apparent inanity like furniture to be occupied in diverse rooms; further on, Theseus in the Middle Place of Places, rips the Minotaur to not ever do any longer any harm. 

   A circle with lines in it. Mysterious geometrical figures interpenetrating, appearing to give depth. To emptiness ! All this from on high, originating at the circum-polar countries where the Angel Folk still terrify, with ice and frigid touches.

  Waiting to embrace those that are like them in thought action and deed. Like mortal curses on animal men, confounded by the blindness which strikes the flesh when interred ! 

   Lines & circles & squares intermingled. 

dimanche 14 janvier 2018

Radamanthe, Minos et "Pluton" ?

L’inexorable rite de l’être lors de son parcours au milieu axial des 4 éléments, dans son élaboration, est jonché sur les rebords aux ornières, empli jusqu’à saturation, de griefs & des instants de mauvaise humeur; et il est comme un cadavre sur pilotis qui explore le néant de la vie de désillusion illusoire ! Nageant l’espace vide, tel un mort rempli de pus. Son regard royal retiré de lui-même dans une arène : tube cathodique rempli de gas spectral. Des fantômes ajustent et orientent les 7 vices qui obsèdent.

Radamanthe est roi. C’est sa rigueur qui contraint l’être mammifère de se soumettre à la rudesse des pénuries sociales et injustes ! Son frère Minos divise puis dévore les vains espoirs de tout ceux qui trompent leur concupiscence avec des ersatz agréables à l’oeil ensorcelé quand le corps mécanique préalablement programmé vas de travers comme une nef renversée, engloutie par Léviathan d’un seul trait cynique. Déjà intérieurement exercé à accueillir un variable hypnotique parmi les sortilèges qui meublent les yeux aveugles qui voient sans voir l’étourderie arrogante des désirs inséminés. Et leur futile être s’en va au diable : humus ivrogne, dé-morcelé.

Aucun homme n’est libre. Ni dieu ni ange ni diable. La rigueur est de l’éternité dans le temps de l’Âge Sombre. Car la l’Enfer est une nécessité.

Cela purifie les ossements et la poussière que l’esprit sain éclairera. 

Si tu es ici. Sois en un homme-mage. Sans cupidité sans convoitise ! Délibère puis aie du discernement, de choisir d’être bon et noble et d’honorer tes ancêtres sans leur faire honte. 

Car le but de l’Être et du Seigneur, de tout ce qui abonde au royaume des mortels et du MORTEL, …C’est la pratique de l’EUGENISME des Aryens. D’accomplir le BIEN, le BEAU et le VERIDIQUE en soi-même d’abord puis à l’entour, même avec de la force. Nous en sommes les ARCHITECTES. 

** * ** **

Ne craignez pas le lendemain. Les races de couleur convoitent ce qui leur est supérieur et par là elles empoisonnent leurs propres races avec notre Sang Elégant et Pur. Ce monde terrestre deviendra un désert. Kalki viendra ensuite faire table rase de ce qui reste.

Et nous, on recommencera, le KRISTOS vivant en chacun de nous ! Comme un élixir racial, un bénéf' pour la véritable humanité!

(A force de convoiter tout ce qui appartient aux Blancs, les Races de Couleur n'auront plus de descendance ! Elles deviendront par la FORCE INTENTIONNELLE DU DIEU, Belles et BLANCHES !!! La laideur et tout ce qui est hideux s'évanouiront.

A cause de leur cupidité insensée jointe à une paresse architecturale avec un manque d'ingénierie imaginative leur destin sera de disparaître, ainsi que de faire disparaître les leurs!)

samedi 13 janvier 2018

for SageSigma Unbound

the Jungian brain & its origins

There is a real world where nothing is simulated, where all creatures of any kind are a unique conscience, seemingly incarnate. But they transcend time & even Eternity, ontologically. Each a unique presence, un-collective. Not issued from any kind of unconscious collective. Jung & his learned abstractions were but bait for the educated & ignorant elite, who were already themselves issued from the synthetic « artificial » intelligence of his & their « time », devised surreptitiously to lead astray all thinking & alert minds(divine sparks).

The real & un-illusory soul tricked into artificial existence, is like a « Christ sitting on a JACKASS entering IERU-SALEM.

It’s the great Machination of which Plato spoke, in any case the literary figure we call Plato, implanted in the real vital minds of men, which is simulated, i.e. is an artificial simulation ! But as Joseph Delgado said in a discourse along time ago, (and I dont quote per se) « …what is man today but a product of our own intelligent creation across evolution», & I would add, an artificial & « unconscious » product thanks to what one would call, the Royal Craft & ART.

But then again, the PRIMARY MATTER to this realization is rooted in the Erhrean Father of the Human Species, of which there are 4 races, or kinds, biologically. And as in Alchemy, the goal of the Great Work isn't El/Ella or its undoing, the Great Work is to make the Philosophical Stone,...i.e. make you yourself into the "Thing", and yet preserve your own Personal Mind. But WOUNDED like a resurrected Christ !

The so-called parasitical elite thrives on the stupidity of those who would be victims of their very own happy « spiritual apathy »! Those that would be but someone else's created & artificially intelligent vampirized product !

Too bad for them. After all, if you dont fight back, or preserve the right to your own specifyic « being » while in the corridors of time & space, then you have not earned the right to be called a « MAN », i.e. a Magus, a Magician, a one as self created by God. Thru God. & in God.

The Magus isn’t in any way, a cloned invention, based on algorithmic computations. And who would make compromises with "the devil"! The demiurge, in order to live continuously as a perpetually segmented buy-product of its pretentious vanity ! But those who would be, what they aren't, i.e. Awake, but in a possessive manner, feign initiation thru horrid parasitical ritualized processes which goes to show, that without a prey there ain't no predator !

In the « real » World atoms dont exist. But what is wisdom, isn’t « democratically » viable.

To be true, in any case to my own essence, as Monsieur Gurdjieff would've said, ...only an artificial intelligence would want to be reborn into a simulated reality. Why worry, if you are real, and if you aren't then, there's no one except for the vain & ridiculous Jungian synchronicities that would fill the dark matter of artificial man's fantasies !

Thank you SageSigma Unbound for your last post.

Clean out the GARBAGE & get to work, fast.
Because afterwards, it'll be too LATE. or