Ô pour les calamiteux, de regard aveugle
Qui des hauteurs sont précipités.
Le grand coeur tout en haut, altier!
Le geste du glaive à l’ancienne
d’abattre la fugue envie de s’enfuir!
Que le Grand Dieu nous emporte
Prenne la Tempête pour char.
Le sourire au visage serein,
l’Âme dans l’Illimité de l’Éternel
définie comme gageur de l’algorithme
des cadences harmoniques:
Héritiers du Monde « of our own Making ».
The thrush ponders: “ Yet all living creatures deserve our loving thoughtfulness? No Man Woman or Child, should live who does not honor another. No inhuman mammal deserves the life it cannot give.”
Life and faithfulness belong to those who are brave & sweet, have given their breath to Heaven, even for a nightingale.
And what of a toad?
Even for him.
le Maître des Martinets (Master of Dark Swallows)
“La Roue à Trois Moyeux, roue immortelle, infatigable, d’où dépend tous ces Mondes.” Lecture III: Hymne 7, le Rig Véda
Mankind is but an ontological allegorical entity. A swap at the market place. A good or bad deal. Regretted. Regretful, regrettable ungrateful & undeserving.
Pump the breath of me in this handful of magistrally teleportated(sic) souls. Who not knowing, unknowingly, linger in the make-up of a pretty face. Dust in the bin.
Save, the soul who watches like a one-eyed pirate in the skies. Ô great angel of Man, how deceived thou art! A pilgrim on earth just like when in the heavens you decided just to let go of it and fall.
Yes. My doubled self made friend. You were there in the little opening, taunting me to go on, into the Middle of it All. A trouble maker of good health & happy laid back society!!!
The tiny children on the wink of dead men, laughing near Mimîr’s Pond.
Yes, my son my boy, leap from the edge of this elaborated roof into the polluted chemtrailed air. Fly in it. Take of it what is proper to your soul desire. Take what belongs to you.
You are the EYE of GOD & Goodness. Without your simple elegance, it can only be Dust in the bin on some pretty face meant for nothing.
My dearest friend, son & now a Man. Like a Swallow dark and harrowing, leap!