What with the bankruptcy of God’s eye in almost all living things; now, most of what isn’t Man in the incarnated state is a deluded maniacal & computerized mammal. Programmed to be tender, mean or stupid. Ignorant to the extreme of what is his very mortal pixelated nature. A brain washed creature, believing that he’s capable of personal thought ! Able to elaborate true worth within, enamored with his silly disrupted figure blurred in the mirror of a shiny glass.
But where art thou Ô noble Man who from Heaven was come into my heart !
Even though optimized to the up most epitome of what is “speculated” as intelligent substantial existence; man for the most part is only just a dead wafer in an abandoned chalice.
And the Holy Ghost don’t go there anymore. And the Holy Blood of the Ancient Kristos don’t fill no more the Holy Grail of Goth.
The apostolic holiness of yesteryear, has been dumped. And now it’s just toad minds in the corporal “humankind”, which proffer a semblance of a man-like BEING.
Ô animal with a dick. Or a hole between the legs. Ô ANGEL from the dark avenues of the Hosts of Goth, why wherefore your mistake ? Misled by what you yourself have made.
A stain in the brine. An organic mistake on the pavement. A tiny stone on the used window pane, there, where there’s a crack in the emptiness; that a SOUL might see the day into the darkness of these coagulated worlds.
“I am but a Light from Goth, the torch bearer come to condemn, with might. My kindness knows no bounds. But I will destroy the dross !”