mardi 30 août 2016


Giv'em something fake to believe in and they'll bite it. Hope, in order to avoid certain death, and all that: save the earth , the world and your little sisters. In spite of the disappearance of all parasites, a sick host must admit it'll have to go on elsewhere, thru the back door or just die out in the open for all to see: Babylon must fall and all transition is a complete metamorphosis of the old bones of yester year!


Absinthe, vinegar and whitewash, and black ashes. Keep holding on to the sinking boat of which the faithful have been knowingly betrayed, because of its docile loyalty to all which lies...always believing all who say, it comes on a platter! Free this and free that, free of charge: the insane humiliation that comes about with state welfare and the migrant stupidity.  

Insult to pride and the noble figure.

The end to the immortal perception. 

When the herd instinct steps in, filling the stomach with undigestible conditioned corpses, in 4 star restaurants while there are bronzed tits on the beach: keeping the scare crow in the corn fields to frighten the poor and lonely people with several  Ghz, the uncivilized "educated" imbeciles of all the befuddled human crowds that scurry on mortal sands. The parias, lurking just behind to get some too. 

Call it democracy, and all of it becomes a universal dust heap where immoral filth is a pathway to big buildings and social freedom. 

The freedom of lice.

mercredi 17 août 2016

Hyperborea is in the Ether

In the heart's ether there is a realm where the rich and the poor alike have no access. Neither those who are free according to the world nor the world's self-made slaves. None. 

There in our cavernous immensity, there are cliffs and big trees, foxes birds and all that from eternity is innocent. No juge awaits at the door. Nothing can prevent the innocent from entering!

In this secret place the devious 4 lettered demon has been ousted out from the onset.

In the beginning it is only our true force which, belonging to us, has been betrayed, misused to nourish a fake earth as well the fiends(these are the creatures that have invaded from the beginning the psycho-organic creation, its vital structure, its blood and sap) who flourish in the outer quarters of a grossly physical and mechanical sky. Where for the moment it seems we are trapped!


The beast has been expulsed, and ever afterwards denied re-entry. He is the principle of misuse, the jailer as well as the eater of one's soul. 


It thrives on rust, as on the corpses of unjust punishment. It obliterates Pride and Self-esteem, wanting to bend the will of superior beings: those who are honorable and have only one word. Who believe in beauty, truth and honor. 

It wants them to believe in Moses' magick literary trick, that only some weak corrupt dishonest fool could fall for!


There is no Hell in our Paradise, ask them that knew this on their death bed!

Nor can our Paradise belong to Hell's thronging mass of misled mammals who seek wisdom within brick buildings...or in some plebeian constitutional delusional right! Let alone some artistic fancy printed on kahal paper.

Where Christ's ascended body has long ceased to be as well as the individual self-sacrifice to fight for a transcendental spiritual freedom, our inevitable leaving stares at us in the Heart. 

There where no dajjal-inventor of a fake world peace can abide.

no one escapes

Where ever and how ever it goes. You take it with you, with the body, with the soul.

...and God is carrying the mess!

Everything from head to toes, the entire machination is the body and your soul. 

And God keeps assimilating all and everything. The heart in the hearth burning like the intense heat on the face of the earth! 

A phoenix cindering. Un brazier.

Till the world has turned over. Up side down, twirling as kingdom come.

You are the divine journey. The effort. The metaphysical thing.

A voyage in the great nothingness, where men play and yet are too serious, while they hold on to the shreds of what was never their's for the safe keeping.

Empire and slaughter! Great stupidity. 

Sadness and anticipation before the great wall of wailing.  

L'Homme et l'Anthropoïde

A force de démence et de cela même qui l'alimente!...

...à force d'imprudence, le discernement qui s'en va en s'amenuisant,...les outrageuses pratiques d'injustice, et l'excessive accoutumance à l'imbalance entre l'émotif et l'intellect qui se doit de percevoir l'absurde, inane et la débilité de l'assistanat socialist qui amoindrit la "souche" de l'ÂME...

La force qu'on brise à coups de matraque à cause d'une prétentieuse lâcheté sociale et acide, la combustible de la main gauche et ses dérives corruptrices qui brulent le coeur enfoui dans les ténèbres.

Est-ce une moindre faute que d'avilir l'éclat doré puis de suppléer à cette investiture ignoble avec un dogme adogmatique puerile, où enfants et femmes et hommes se dissolvent comme de la bitume au mois d'Août? Et seul le noir au chocolat, et quelque dieu métissé régneront ici en Enfer dans les entrails cancérogènes de la glèbe? 

Une terre sans équilibre, où tous seront mêlés sans distinction à défaut du respect, sera bonne pour les déchets en attendant le grand cosmique tri! 


Il est vrai qu'il ne faudrait jamais compter sur l'apparence faciale qui prétende être la Face de l'Homme car voyez-vous nous oublions avec quelle facilité qu'il n'y a que 144,000 et ni plus et ni moins. 

Combien sont des enfants du Malin? Combien y en a-t-il? Qui fait le compte et qui en a calculé le nombre? 

Méfiez-vous de votre pernicieuse vanité, scrutez donc vos propres aberrations présomptueuses. Depuis l'Eternité le compte est bon. 144,000 sur 7,600,000,000 et ça donne quoi? 

L'anthropoïde et l'Homme, l'Ivraie et la Bonne Graine pleine du Respire Divin. 

Tu quitteras la carcasse, et les lambeaux de chair se mêleront à la poussière sous les pieds des bipèdes humanoïdes...tes os deviendront des pavés sur les sentiers des gnomes. Les fées t'amèneront enfin chez toi dans leur antre dans l'Ether.

mardi 16 août 2016

Wreaking Havoc in the Corridors

They would bust down from the inside all the hallways of the sacred Mind. Wreaking havoc and petty calamity on Divine Modesty!

All women would be whores and your Mothers as well; what a cherished dream to be dreamt in a democratic crowd!

Rampant homosexuality and perverted eyes! Wandering dead souls, their children the reflection of an aberrant immoral intellectual inflection! 

Going deep and deeper into the fermenting organic thing, a human soul gets lost, becoming a putrid devil, full of conceit and bugs in the brain! And our wonderful Res Publica Occidentiae possesses all the processes or is possessed by that which leads to an oblivious denaturalization! 

A place where angels would fear to tread, a cavernous abysmal thing, with moral death as its motor, perpetuating a singular miscegenated incongruity.

There will no longer be any eagles in the firmament. All will be dreadfully mixed. 

And happily no more divine spirits will inhabit the dreadful mortal jeopardy of the understanding soul that has always haunted the Hyperborean Mind. 

hearth of the soul

I would let you burn it out.

Up to about, just before your physical demise came.

You'd have the time to know and judge whether it was you or your body, incinerating!

Then again, perhaps not. Man is quite a conceited doll. Using words of which he has no idea of their clouded origins and supposed meanings. 

He's a product in the making being undone eternally at a crossroads! A freak and unaccountable nature full of trifle vanities. A puppet for demons and departed souls. An ejaculation fraught with imagined destinies. A miracle amongst the things that must die continually. 

The forgotten epitome that was once God's proud effort. 

Who is it, "incarnates", in the animal flesh? Made to partake of disintegrating particles? An eye and an ear waiting in the vestibule, blinded by a block of rotating atoms!...gleaming with affection. 

A programmed idiot using life out till it leaves him, or until angels take him away in spite of all individual will.

Has God forgotten the soul? Or is it just that our eyes cling to what earth worms desire?

samedi 6 août 2016

Futile et Incongrue

Sois facho! basta.

Sois noble et restes indifférent devant le regard péniblement minable du soi-disant pauvre plèbe. 

Le mental du paria sans honneur est à être rejeter en bloc et Le Grand Dieu de tout ce qui existe te remerciera pour ton courage et exceptionnelle individualité face à la stupidité générale qui a tout envahi de son déliquescence insipide et/ou futile....infecte et immonde et incongrue.

Mieux vaux haïr ce qui est laid et tous ceux qui lui font des homages.  

Sois à la hauteur de ton Idéale, pour le reste le diable est le compagnon de l'hypocrite et de l'esclave qui se prosternent devant ceux et celles qui sont bourrés d'argent et qui quand ils  défèquent insultent même la nature sauvage des primitifs!

Il est vrai que le Divin ne connaisse que le réel(el haqq), alors que le superfétatoire lui est inexistant comme l'est l'infidèle qui ne sait pas que les étoiles veillent sur l'esprit(ruh) des Martyrs du demain.

Je veux dire, que le Tout Puissant aime de tout son Coeur le Courage et la Bravoure des Innocents Combattants! Il hait le polystyrène nano des techno nerds médiocres et abominables qui pleurnichent leur inéluctable disparition dans l'abîme d'Enki...à jamais oubliés, Dieu merci!