In the mounds, there is a dreaded awe, lurking. Drenched in the semen of bygone regrets. As no one was burned but buried in their homes. With wings on their helms, containing a treasure of Mysteries; & the secret alphabet was carved on the Earth's pale daunted skin.
And the irrational racial aberration abhors the Eternal Majesty come from supernal constellations.
These memories are not for them. The rich eternal flux does not swish in their miscegenated brains which washing upon the oblivious useless shores of physicality becomes mute in Hell!
Certainly, …
My mind swims in the Ether, wandering to & fro from whence to where; I am my own blood its eyes of Infinity, scanning Mimir’s dwelling on the Abyss! A well beyond upsetting. A gay lark at the edge. A single man. A God from Gibor.
But when, what sadness had outraged me, has benumbed the elementary senses; do not abide by quirks of distress: Death is my visage embalmed on the air, threading all things together not to none but to a sacred heart above the interstellar waters!
Woe, woe, woe, oh how thrice happy I am! The quiver in the creatures that the gods made now rebel against human error. The unsacred sin of mixing to no purpose to no avail, the squandering of the vital vril to any extent thru misshapen inadequate vehicles of incarnation!
But here no god sighs no further. No god is dismayed. No song in the heavens no longer tainted. A thrashing on the harvest floor. This world will be dismantled.
In the Ether , Man is but a stepping stone. A way up and down and all around back unto himself. A calling card in exchange for a shining boat in the Skies.
Tell me my dear sir & double deed doer, what is there more to all of this?
« I will thrust my sword into the world’s liver, drawing out the insipid poison. My spirit will cleanse for a time all the Earth from its unredeemable turpitude: the mixed man who has no soul of mine! » The gods will forgive nothing. I will set the World back on its AXIS, while no anomalous mortal entity shall survive. »
![]() | in this place, I was buried in my fleshly home & never burned. My immortal remans have no shelter nowhere, save in a dragon ditch between the 2 Great Bears. |
How happy you will be in those supernal azotic places with your polar kind. Deaf to dirty mouths, unseen by all who were meant to be blind! All silent and unseen bravery will be crowned with lady bugs on the heath at the summit of Lord Thor.
Augeidos Ochema
The Aryan Man is but a brief sejour where damnation is the rule.