samedi 2 mars 2019

the Grain in the Ashes

These bounteous branches to be covered in lime, issued from a single seed of ocean salt. Burgeoning on the tide of sands, washing on Eternity’s cliff. 

While down below in life’s sewers hair raising phenomena stretch the vulgar mind beyond its tethered intent!

Wo, yet the animated mud sinks into the dark caverns. And there is nothing to say. At all to say again or so one pretends? All’s been seen & done so many times before! But not like Now!

Cycled truths for recycled blasphemy. Unsacred hymns sung for the sake of new found fake héros. Where is Dasein

In the bleak where ashes gather
a dew drop in the morn

Unable to fathom
the desert wind, the grass

where the earth stutters.

And now it’s certain yet I’m hopefully filled with doubt, a single grain of single malt, ushers in tomorrow’s futur dawn for dying ever again through the new born sands of tomorrow!