I went to the very end of what I was. To the extreme boundary of my unique stupidity! Till no chime was heard. Till the birds died out at Night’s bottomless meaninglessness. Yes to the very end where nothing was worth a cent’s sweat of blood.
And I was a knight in brittle armor. Black as ebony in a raven’s but! A pure by-product of grandiose affection. A God’s ideal incarnate.
Pretentious! Ô yes. Oh…my darling dear. Dearest darling lost in worthless frolicking.
I was an upright stone in the field. The dew was on my head. Amongst the wet grass. My dogs played yonder.
The starry mirth of Maidens had wet my sad brow. But into the sky I pointed my secret mind. My heart was a god not yet dead on a gallows stage.
These were places within my physical grasp. I would to the final end keep the head high till HELL swallow all that’s considered like earth, in a dumb girl’s embrace.
But oh my. My wonderful charming hole in the ground. The heavens twisted and thrived, shivering in a swoon. Until my only love, … the end of my great and only LOVE muttered:
Wait till the Valkyria kiss your darkened scalp. While the sweet light protruding from your soul hastens to devour the corpse of yesterday.
Yes I went to the very end of what I was. To the marrowless bone. To where worms chatter. And all was melted, a sloppy mess dripping back into the glass. Till the birds died out at sunset. And all there was was meaningless.
Till the Maiden from the lofty sky did swoop down and lift me up!
She said: Fight and fight again,