Where there is no male pride or any viril presence, it isn't conceivable, could not be possible, even for one second, that one ounce of any of the 4 human races, could ever subsist! Nothing human would be possible, let alone probable . All would be just, infra-man!
No human of any kind! No human species worthy of life! No manly awareness of anything, and the gods would be dead things to fill in the holes where dust heaps eternally.
Only mutants and clones, and a couple of Avatar D's. Perhaps some by-products from the city jungles. And a lot of idiots not knowing the difference between a vagina and an ass-hole!
The black solar principle that leans on nothing if not its own incomprehensible will, would have no place here, at any time!
The only vital quality capable of defending its right to be in spite of the unconscious inhuman thriving on the earth among so many barbarians, of an insatiable soul, to conquer a private place in this great void where uselessness and wine and meat and sex are the only thing that spurs the degenerate "human" crowd onward towards its blind abyss, possible could not be were it not for its Will to Power!
Beauty which is in the eye of the beholder wouldn't have any part in the great spatial desolation of almighty Jah!
This is why today, even more so then ever, although this isn't new, sustained ugliness and the lack of faith in oneself, rule more so than ever the mind of the effeminate western nations of this world.
Because, so very few are beholders of beauty from within, meanness is become the ubiquitous ruler, littering the earth's arena with plastic bones and brass:
the inedible imperfect fruits of a spiritually demented and autistic democracy.
** * ** **
And what one sees are just walking bipedal discharges filled with hate, reckless and useless wandering nowhere, always jealous of the other, living for no reason but to spread the evil of their infernal unnaturalness. Drugged and capricious. No personal mastership. No one really there! Nothing present, where God is dead.
Cavernous biological holes devouring what little well-being might again persist.
No place where, an invisible holy sanctuary would harbor kingly roots.
** * ** **
What you perceive writhing in the streets outside at night, are like grey rats come from the sewer, carrying some kind of deliberate contagious infection, synthetically concocted by our own cry-baby well-care state with its indoctrinated genderless worker-slaves!
In the place of a soul, nothing burns, nothing is alit. Not even Mother Nature's natural darkness can stand the odorless satanic boredom lingering in these harvested transplanted organic aberrations.
Give them something clean and they'll make it dirty!
Respect them, and they'll stab you in the back.
Share, and they'll find a way to steal it!
These are the wastes products of a failed species!