jeudi 23 mars 2017

Unearthing the Mystery

Unearthing what was dormant of an uncultivated intimate mystery. To awaken from an unwanted hallucination. All the secret soul drenched in ashes of used hate.

...and from this round about serpent vehicle colliding with the winds of cycles and those stars that turn, implacably listening, we enlarge a certain perspective, which would diminish into tiny scripted particules:

Inventing scientific points of view, to couple with psychic electromagnetic powers. Draining vitality for the sake of recognized mutual vanity. Published by prestigious faculties, indoctrinating the limpid naif mind. 

** * ** ** you see how it is?

All this greatness in these empty vessels we feed into? Your understanding attention giving them life and existential meaning. Applauding the circus show. Pretending they have some abstract ontological or metaphysical value!

And now dead, and fled; what was worrisome dissipates into a residual "shade", left behind haunting people and beasts, immersed in a grand controlled trance:

Seeing what is wanted, doing as is done, blinded having no circumference. Spilling the bad and good of all beautiful blood...onto a virtual public place where there can be no worthy renown. Neither it be for gods nor Titans that've vanished in the cracks.

** * ** **

The angels have seen this folly from a afar and are taken aghast in front of such a stupendous and conceited stupidity, that they vomit from their soar eyes what makes mortality so ugly. All the more so painful, that men relish in this opened Pandora's Box of holographic squalor.

Who could, but some perverted scoundrel, admire such cesspools as Crowley or Hubbard!

These blackest of empty organic calamities are an incarnate ethical illness, and the idols of those sick organic abominations who have lost their eternal right to divine immortality, only to live like leaches in their loges and on their desolate astral plane of horror.

** * ** **

Now it is time to sweep the floor and wash the sullied tiles. Time to breed the eternal who's waited in what appears to be real. 

Time to unearth the Mystery, to walk with daemons and those who are truly Lucifer. Bearing the Torch above this wheel of incessant wandering. 

Being what is Happy in the middle of that un-located center. A non-local entity equaling nothingness. Talking the bird language, speaking with fairies. Feeding the wolves and the wild boar before their extinction comes to pass!