Have you really any choice in the matter? Can you do anything about it? Or are you just a potentially rotten piece of cosmological design? A deadness in the winds of bosons? A miraculous ridiculousness that pervades the infinite emptiness?
Are you a genetic consequence of morphic bombarding? Wrapped in a kind of cellophane, the insides of which do not belong to you and perhaps for that matter to no one?!
What ever you see and think, in whatever context, it has been created with the intention of piggybacking the total denial of your right to selfhood! You are a Golem that has been designed, for all intents and purposes with the idea of destroying the root of your archetypal being, its only intention to eradicate du fond en comble, your Godhead. There by liberating your subtil and gross organism from its aristocratic endeavor? Using your vitality!
Ô how I wish to resonate with all and every living thing, a DNA ladder with limbs a torse a head provided with of course some sort of sex! A metaphysical anomaly doing something to provide help to all the poor whales being killed and eaten by all those awful Japanese. Ô to save Willy, Mother Earth, and of course assure welfare for all our wonderful foreign parasites! Like a dog who loves lice. If only we could morphologically resonate all humanity to some ideal cosmic tune and make children and fags happy again!
I’m sure that at this very moment we are electronically depriving of you of your supposed soul. That with God’s unequivocal good wishes of course and Tel Aviv’s supernal orchestrating, we shall one day mutate into something progressively extraordinary: absolute empty vessels where no angel would dare to tread!
Do you want to be morphically transformed? Into a Hollywood movie star? Visiting Cannes on a red rug with Woody Allen’s dead eyes? Wouldn’t be just marvelous to be without shame and live in West Hollywood?
To go to Claremont College with Rupert Sheldrake, speaking about a dog’s incredible psychic powers and playing with little magnetic balls?
Ô how wonderful everything is, all humankind is waking up collectively: a horde of organic clones unconsciously and electronically controlled just before it all just splashes into quarks fermions then leptons against the Great Big Humanitarian Palestinian Wall.
But of course all that was thanks to Intelligent Design. The Great Architect and his Elohim builders.
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Determined and conditioned by a great gigantic magnetic flow! Which by the way is chaotically fought over by the mighty few added to by those who loyal bureaucratic patriots, watch over us. Playing with the living nervous systems that inhabit all scalar fields on this earth.
All creature wellbeing is played with thanks to old Rupert and academic naivety. The electrons are dangled with and all mineral vegetal and organic life not to speak of necessarily the genies and invisible folk are abused and mistreated, in order to help humanity up onto its way toward SUPRAHUMANITY and a more intense vibrational harmonic love story.
Because the Golden Mean is the only practical modus operandi worthy of of our thoughts or energetic pragmatic application: There is no other way out of here!
Phi and a little bit of electrical booz. Some Bob Marley and microwave grinding in the higher or lower cortex sequences. Leibnitz and the Universal Emancipation of the Monkey Mind.
I put my hands in the puppets and I make them move.
Or, I'm my own hand moving my own fingers!
I put my hands in the puppets and I make them move.
Or, I'm my own hand moving my own fingers!