You break me and yet I stand at the edge of Paradise. Like a perfect thought in the god mind, suspended in Chaos between two pillars of contradiction.
You spat on my face, but I abide. The best when left alone, are those who carry their cross as the Golden Mean!
Cloaked with the chasm of my soul, entitled to nothing. I make no plea for help, not to anyone!
In this heart there's no room for intolerable plight, where blame or dishonor could beg yet without shame.
Our fortunate or unfortunate predestination, is ours from the beginning by choice.
But if not, I'll make it mine and bet against Satan even if I should lose. It's not his corpse'll hold me back when I'll get off to elsewhere!
But if not, I'll make it mine and bet against Satan even if I should lose. It's not his corpse'll hold me back when I'll get off to elsewhere!
My pride is such that both my unquenched thirst and insatiate hunger just can't make me bow down.
I stay cold inside.
I stay cold inside.
Like a haunting that wakes me in the dark, saying: " Wake"!
... from a horrible slumber I rise. And like a lantern in the shadows, when all else seems without life, I put all the spectres in my home to flight.
I am the blood-ghost of all my noble friends.
Their souls together beyond their each consort gleaming like a star in the sky, behind in the background blackness, breathing, the supreme mantra:
"Heil, Sieg Heil"!
Their souls together beyond their each consort gleaming like a star in the sky, behind in the background blackness, breathing, the supreme mantra:
"Heil, Sieg Heil"!
** * ** **
I am happy to die for the earth grave that waits for me. Or the pyre that'll burn. Or the wild animal who's in hunger. Or because of a stone thrown by some likeness of a man of lower breed.
To be in Hell with the brave is all that I wish to fulfill.
To be in Hell with the brave is all that I wish to fulfill.
To be with my Blood, bleeding for Eternity with the best of what Almighty God conceived in human shape: Great serpents of Light from the infinite crypte, thunderous and heart rending!