vendredi 24 février 2017

A Place In the Realm of No Where: الواقت

To abide by nothing, yet in all places to be nowhere. Having been stricken by a bolt of dark emerald. Seething downwards from the battered cindered soul, ablaze. Blasting through the weary head, awaking what is wise with Eternal Love near to the entrance of the Immortal Fountain.

The Sun in the grey clouds, arisen and the stellated-mind lashing at the dregs of it, which recoiled, from within the seat of our curtailed awareness, beclouded the secret mind who was waiting, in all friendship for good Love's sole purpose to shower its sacred dew on our foreheads.

Here in this forlorn and rejected country where the waste material of dejected and mutilated races, suffocate those who are wise, ...the good as if damned by god!

But we navigate internally, far from what rusted eyes of unhealthy intellect might interpret, like seafarers in the heavens unseen. Breaking the intolerant waves of ludicrous misdemeanor. We are black suns hailing on this flat plain of no requital. Our hearts unafraid of illicit church and state.

From this abysmal darkness germinates the lord of our light in sweet love. The Black Wheels  discretely healing from within the hurting wounds, the injured and down trodden warriors. 

Those who were neglected. Who were scoffed. Who were too proud. Abandoned!

Faithful to theirs and yet forgotten. Derided.

On the edge of high precipices. Laid down to rest, betrayed.

...and there beside, waterfalls cascade downwards into distant dispassionate desperation.

** * ** **

The great gammadion churns the whirlwinds on the face of the Deep. Revealing through indefinite Time, our Eternal and always Final Victory because of an Honorable and much awaited Death! Above murder and rape and without reparation, nor without repent. Becoming through out eternity those myriad stars of Holy Martyrdom. Between the Great Boar and its Polar Child. 

Yet unredeemable. Having died with all one's bodily self but not dead.

...and this, because of a silly trick at Mekone, for the sake of all true Mankind. 

And again, this one dies because the other is alive.

Hail to all Kamerads.