vendredi 26 juin 2015
Le Soleil se lève SOL INVICTUS MCMXCIV Sanctus Perfectus
Le soleil se lève. Et de son cœur s'issue, une Estoile.
Tous les amis de Dieu, même sans dieu, porte au front, la marque qui incinère.
Dans un moment d'abandon selon l'Eros interne, l'Initié abdique la volonté des mammifères , automates organiques !
Il cède et se soumet à la Volonté la plus haute, et son Soleil interne escalade à travers l'embrouillé nuageux , l'axe de l'arbre prisonnier.
La Terre Creuse est son corps, et comme tous les véhicules tangibles manifestent une dépendance des conditions "quantiques" qui les interpénètrent, le sage nouveau Mithra voit, ses grands yeux ouverts, qu'il est autre qu'une condition mathématique.
C'est lui, le Sol Invictus au sein des débris mortels des hommes-singes. Il éclaire dans la terre du milieu l'obscurité de la terrestrielle caverne corporelle, c'est sa radioactivité spirituelle qui nourrit la carcasse du Monde.
Il a été frappé par l'é jamais il ne croirait au Monde des ossements. Il est la Conscience du Plérôme.
samedi 20 juin 2015
Telekinesis and the Neptics
The automated man is in a kind of "psychological readiness for slavery." He'll believe anything as long as it's somewhat intimately related to what he pretends to believe and know! He'll leave off seeking the Truth, quickly, without hesitation as soon as he has found friends who have more or less 'precisely', the same ideas as he has himself. There is no need to go any further. What for?...since I already know what is to be known, have understood what is to be understood, and know others that think like me and know that I'm right!
Effectively, this is what Mister Uri Geller did many years ago with his bouts of spoonbending on TV! Many silly people just became obsessed with metal spoons. To see if they could just do the same thing, bend a spoon with the telekinetic powers of their brain.
Later on with the Matrix movies, namely the first one, there is a little bouddhist like boy who shows Neo that bending a spoon is just something that takes place in the mind!
Where is the connection between Mr. Uri Geller, the television mob bending spoons with their hoodwinked brains and "the psychological readiness for slavery" ?
Is it just the blind who lead the blind into a deep hole ?
(Matt. XV:14, Luke VI:39)
...a slave, like a dog, ressembles his Master.
Mankind is an aberrational fiction. He has become, according to Nicholas Berdyaev's words, "a slave to what he makes. He has fallen into the power of his own tools." Or might I say that he has fallen into the power of his own spoons and brains!
A neptic is a man who stay's awake, he is vigilant. He doesn't trust anyone. And whatever becomes 'fashionable' makes him wary! Even his blood brothers can go amiss and be besmeared spiritually by the Internet fads which pollute with their Electronic Propaganda, the non sceptical minds, that are just too dumb to see and think for themselves :
They dont seem to understand, that they musn't be used or misused by other men's words, but they should learn to teach themselves how to use language, not to be used by it.
Where does language come from, who used it first ? Why ? Are'nt the tools we use, of our own making ? Or were they made by something other than ourselves ?
Wake up! And look with your own eyes. Who was it spent his time and love, moving mountains with his faith ?
...and who is it, would spend his life, to bend a spoon ?
lundi 15 juin 2015
PEGSWAL or the 7 bodies filled with blasphemy
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Revelation XIII : iv.
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness :and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy...
Revelation XVII : iii.
So then, these are the natural deregulating quanta which accompany us since before birth, in our Mother's womb, no fault of hers ! Our mothers are but the doors into this wilderness where the 7 inescapable numerical vowels in disharmony await impatiently the moment to enslave us.
And yes, we are here to make war with this great 7 headed furnace. This infernal tree, till we learn to uproot it from Hell's hearth, so that we can plant it in an eternal earth. Having reversed the internal tide and made what was vile, a holy scented bread on the altar drenched in sacred wine.
But there is no Holy Combat without any external physical effort on our behalf, outside in the World amongst men and things, which would at least prove to one's own spirit, a substantial worth.
The scarlet woman on a red beast is the slut who is as real in public places, in shopping centers or movie theaters, in our homes and on our streets, as the sick tree is, with its poisoned sap filled with blasphemy, that abides in our physical bodies, our astral minds.
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
Saturn Jupiter Mars Sol Venus Mercury Luna
gluttony, envy, wrath, pride, lust, avarice greed or cupidity, and sloth !
The 4 cardinal and 3 theological virtues, if perceived correctly, each one according to the personal qualities of each individual soul, were apparently enough in ancient days, to thwart the World's hardware evil with a hyper-mathematical efficiency.
But without these moral weapons, can a man reasonably attack and defend himself against the internal and external waves, whether electrically charged or not, which hit all things living in this psycho-somatic realm, where one breathes an air filled with invisible living entities who seek either their own joy or to distraught the nobility in the good and the kind.
Temperance, Charity, Hope, and Courage, Chastity, Faith and Wisdom!
Only noble souls possess these weapons, or they can forge them; that wouldn't be a problem. For noble men have an immortal spirit and can see what must be done !
P.E.G.S.W.A.L. or the 7 Dancers of a Deadly Sickness
The despotic calamity inherent in democracy is to make silly brutal people believe, that they are already accomplished as they are, and born in this World necessarily with equal rights and equal chance ! Because if you tell an ass that he's as good and beautiful, just as intelligent and as wonderful as a pure bred stallion , he'll believe it, and once that's done there is no going back. He'll hold on to that psychotic fantasy as long as it suits his weak and comly nature ! Lies can only flat an unconscious fool who listen's eagerly to what would suit his barren inexistant self.
What ordinary mankind cannot apparently admire in the angels, must be brought violently down to the earth, stomped on, or dirtied. In order to render it as ugly as his deformed egalitarian pseudo-self. This is where the Angels fear to tread. The democratic or collectivist man imagines : he's above Heaven and Earth or Hell, and most of all, he thinks he's above divinty and God! With his barreness he would judge all creation reasoning after a foundation built on the mortel brain cells in a calcium ball feeding on proteins!
What elicits from within man's base nature, all that which is abhorent, ugly, primitive, and seemly, is the democratic lie or what Saint John in his Book of Revelations called, the Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Crowns.
I call this Animal , "Pegswal". It sounds something like Pig and Swal ! These in a nut shell are the seven deadly dancers that have been let into the bag, so to speak, and incarnate what one called in antiquity the seven deadly sins. These psycho-dramatic acrobats are the 7 planetary or astral dominations which disengenuously disharmonise all men, enthroning themselves in all human births, revealing with time their innate nefarious qualities. These are the demons who from the moment each man and woman are born, will wantonly misdirect their unheeding unconscious bodily selves ! These are the little gods of old, atop each personal Mount Olympus, which rule in the unconscious synchronised organic robotic body all those men who are slaves to the World and its broken livid shells.
P for PRIDE.
E for ENVY.
S for SLOTH.
S for SLOTH.
W for WRATH.
and L for LUST.
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Father Thomas Merton and the honorable Daisetz T. Suzuki |
When good men understand. They see wittingly the origin of all Good as well as what must be tamed in the programmed body pertaining to all Evil. They know how to laugh, having been freed from the beast of egalitarian untruths. Their awareness prevents them from easily being trapped by the communist lie hiding within the grotto of every democratic fool. The 7 deadly sins are kept at bay , just so many horrendous grimaces dissipating in dark spaces.
Freedom is not given and is not just for anyone. It is earned by those who have painstakingly ripped it from the sordid hands of those who have no divine or hieratic soul.
"But mankind is not a mystical body, just as society is not an organism. Man is the organism and society is his organ; not the other way about."
N. Berdyaev
vendredi 12 juin 2015
Is It Pancakes or Meatballs with Tomato Sauce ?
What scares them ? What are they afraid of ? Have the dirty pictures in this world filled their secret astral room with made up stages of gloom and dirt filled nostrils, to a point where they actually would wish more the death of others rather than to die and become selfless as did those polar warriors of before?
You chose to open the chest, to see what was inside, but no one forced you. It was your secret wish and wanting which made you let out all those innumerable evils that haunt and tear at the Cosmic Earth, ripping and cooking and broiling all living life !

Who told you to go and see ? What were you looking for ? Aren't you man enough to know and finally understand that Yaldabaoth or the Démiurge was made to become what you've made him to be ! You go into this World's Womb, lusting for death bits and bread crumbs and afterwards you only complain ! While it's only you who are the instagator, the one who initiated the holy mess, ...and now it worries me to lose my "skin".
From everywhere chaos is burgeoning, writhing and wreathing through the cracks in a flat world covered with flat minds. Flat people hearing decapitated flat sounds and seeing imaginary flat moons as they stand on top of a flat earth clutching to their electronic flat laptops!
When the Soul has lost its supernal roots and forgotten how to watch and see where its going, the devil's technological clamour through the mist of thousands of years of pretending, when revealed for what it is and has always been, frightens the city-made man, persuading him to believe, as to a silly spoiled child, that in REALITY there can only be FLAT WORLDS or MEATBALL EARTHS with tomato sauce !
But you see, man is only demented. He's a dishonest kind of incarnated animal. His soul pours into a jellied cranial plasma, streaming through a sinewed clay vessel, with plenty of slippery viscera in it. Afterwards, he wants to believe that with the cluttered space of his carnal brain box-room, he could actually explain it all, with words or mathematical premises...or else, say that he'd been tricked by some sort of devil-god into believing he was very very special, living in a real and permanent world order or unfortunate distopia that had been made, only just for him, or for his displeasure ! ...all other creatures were there with him, only to be his food or wanton slaves. And yet he opens the compass, measures the lights in the skies, even the moon and the sun; and the silly ignorant little man, with his petty technological mechanical crap esteems he can know what is going on, in a distant sky where he contemplates the moving world, standing in Death's cradle with persistently controlled organic mortal eyes !
What ever men say, see and do. They eat see hear touch and taste, fuck and defecate, while they play and dont seem to know, that their flat or round earth boat must sink ! They think it's all in the brain or something of the sort that heralds the dawn or the setting sun. They make things with plastic, glass and rubber and then use it in an instrumental and ingenious way to see and tell others how to watch what slips and goes heedlessly away into antimatter's abyss.
Who was it, that wanted to know ? To conquer love and land, hail the democratic glory which men honour at Walmart, in Paris or in London Africa ?
Who opened the box and let out the shadow, which hides in all immortal men ?
I did, and it was my Blood and daring sent me to it, to regain my spiritual land, to win back my Honour and the Sacred Life of all true living creatures !
It was to know the Truth.
But I dont need a camera, to tell others what to look for, what in fact, the mind control synthetic technology wants me to see.
I use my own inner eyes and just let my hyperborean heart do the knowing.
jeudi 11 juin 2015
Deus Absconditum Vult
Ce sont les nombres qui à l'origine composent la vie éphémère des êtres dans la sphère de la psycho-matérialité terrestre. Ce qui appartient aux nombres voit son existence anticipée par la coordination qui leur est impartis, grâce à l'interne complexité proportionnelle que le souffle divin dans sa dextérité impose, de là où il demeure, inaffecté par le destin matériel des rapports géométriques.
Seule l'âme spirituellement consciente peut participer activement à la gérance des nombres et de leurs multiples compositions; pour le reste tout ce qui vit, participe certes, mais seulement en tant que modes individuels somnambules, tributaires des flux et reflux electro-magnétiques que le nombre abstrait a prédestiné d'avance!
Ce qui arrive a été prévu. Mais ce ne sont pas les astres qui en ont décidé. Ils ne sont comme tout le reste de la création : que la révélation de ce processus de flux et reflux du destin. Et le Maître du Destin est caché dans son oeuvre... et le Maître du Destin la précède dans sa transcendance !
...dès que l'individualité archétypale d'une personne prenne conscience dans l'oeuvre composée du Monde d'ordre terrestre, qui semblait être antérieurement un Chaos de Complots ou de Machination, elle ne peut qu'y reconnaître sa participation prédestinée de responsable dans l'Oeuvre du Monde mais cette fois-ci, telle la main de Dieu elle devienne non quelque nombre instrumental aveugle mais l’œil dans l'instrument qui voit! L’œil par lequel le Dieu voit et contemple son Oeuvre.
On ne fusionne pas avec la divinité, mais on découvre que notre être et devenir proviennent de l'Etre de tout ce qui est et qui est pardessus tous les êtres !
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Ce qu'Il n'a pas prévu ne peut pas être, et ne l'est que là où tout ce qui est se compose de matière hétérogène. Ce qui est rejeté dans l'Oeuvre finale demeure sans être, ne l'a jamais eu et sera relégué au néant des synchronicités fantaisistes. Ce qui est mauvais est à lui-même sa perte.
Un être est unique comme l'est l'Être Unique ! Tous les êtres sont des preuves de l'Unicité de l'Intention du Divin Unique.
Nous sommes des yeux uniques qui voient avec la lumière de l'Esprit Saint.
Le Démiurge n'est que le serviteur renégat ! il cherche constamment la division dans la hâte de sa précipitation. Il est la vanité qui pisserait sur les pieux !
Et c'est lui qui tombera, brisé par ses propres prétentions !
Car l'Aryen est ce qui est du plus noble chez tous les hommes, et c'est lui qui reviendra pour arracher aux mains du Démiurge et de ceux qui œuvrent contre la réalisation du royaume de Dieu, le prix de la Victoire de l'Être et de tous les êtres.
mercredi 3 juin 2015
From up here, through the heart's circular aperture I can contemplate you. But only when you leave off looking at all the horendous and marvelous things that tempt you into believing in their concrete separate but seemingling pythagorean reality, can you see me. Our minds meet here in this inexistant space.
In the vast and spacious sky which over looks the multiple singular mouvements of every existing thing, we and the likes of us watch on, inperturbable. Here the golden mean has no activity : all numbers counted are like fleeting roaches. Nothing is explained.
The only affection we are capable of, is of an eternal and unwanting nature. Suspended in the Void of unknowing all geometries are without consequence.
We see, ...and as it is, we do not fret, nor obsessively thrive on what goes towards its meaningless disappearance. What is, lives in our surcelestial roots and bathes within the light of our solar minds.
Death bids only shadows : the outward circonference of the world where you are is but a closed play ground where the earthly minded are lost amongst shells and pebbles and city signs, kicking and chasing a ball.
Our godliness has uprooted us from all secular worries. It is our divine nature which God creates. What men make when they scramble to and fro, turns to no valuable reckoning. When God makes something or someone, it lives by Him, nourishing itself with His immortal noble sustenance.
Your friends await you. Your password to come, belongs only to you!
Nosce te ipsum.
Itaque Anatropos Est
The world has never been otherwise, nor shall it be else. Fallen like a plaything from the lap of a tyrant king into a chaotic glue, you must work it out to the extreme limit, disrupting this mathematical spell on the Soul !
There can be no other way out, as you must go into the micro electromechanical system, that turns all and every beautiful and atrocious living thing into a traitor of the Spirit. You must in the end, captivate and steal your heart away from all those seductive words that make men think that they can know it all!
Go, fill the material Calculus with your subtle blood.
Black cubes and white cubes combining ! On all their faces, just magic squares, enslaving the unwaryring trusting mind. Empty square boxes and empty vanity to fill the rotating sequences entrapping the pure transcendental spiritual happiness that sought no mean nor inferior ambition.
Yet, you're just a money bags, full of promises, signifying nothing. You cater to something you've invented, persuading others around you to believe it all means something wonderful, something desirable, something necessary, something worth killing and dying for, something to hold onto ! And it's all just stored uselessness, bringing man down to the ground. Precipitating godliness to the basement floor. It pulls to the bottom as long as you believe in it : language is like a promisary note, it's just all a matter of debt !
Money and words and false promise notes. This preposterous defying what one discretely knows, explaining and exploiting with nano-magic cubes the animated natural world with a quanta science ! You have the right to speak, to say and do what you think you know, and all that lego language you use to explain this world's life and laws befuddle sky and earth. All that...., while the very life that lives in you will abandon you, and leave you stranded in Hell's mouth, with a silly tortured and famished face?
I slipped and fell. It wasn't intentional.
Truth is better than illusion and what ever gift she would make to you ! Better to be awake than to daydream, turning your internal eye upside down.
Be faithful even when you fall, dont go against the dead and dying world. Always take into consideration where you might land, the supernal fire in your heart will not be smothered !
In death seduce the world.
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