The automated man is in a kind of "psychological readiness for slavery." He'll believe anything as long as it's somewhat intimately related to what he pretends to believe and know! He'll leave off seeking the Truth, quickly, without hesitation as soon as he has found friends who have more or less 'precisely', the same ideas as he has himself. There is no need to go any further. What for?...since I already know what is to be known, have understood what is to be understood, and know others that think like me and know that I'm right!
Effectively, this is what Mister Uri Geller did many years ago with his bouts of spoonbending on TV! Many silly people just became obsessed with metal spoons. To see if they could just do the same thing, bend a spoon with the telekinetic powers of their brain.
Later on with the Matrix movies, namely the first one, there is a little bouddhist like boy who shows Neo that bending a spoon is just something that takes place in the mind!
Where is the connection between Mr. Uri Geller, the television mob bending spoons with their hoodwinked brains and "the psychological readiness for slavery" ?
Is it just the blind who lead the blind into a deep hole ?
(Matt. XV:14, Luke VI:39)
...a slave, like a dog, ressembles his Master.
Mankind is an aberrational fiction. He has become, according to Nicholas Berdyaev's words, "a slave to what he makes. He has fallen into the power of his own tools." Or might I say that he has fallen into the power of his own spoons and brains!
A neptic is a man who stay's awake, he is vigilant. He doesn't trust anyone. And whatever becomes 'fashionable' makes him wary! Even his blood brothers can go amiss and be besmeared spiritually by the Internet fads which pollute with their Electronic Propaganda, the non sceptical minds, that are just too dumb to see and think for themselves :
They dont seem to understand, that they musn't be used or misused by other men's words, but they should learn to teach themselves how to use language, not to be used by it.
Where does language come from, who used it first ? Why ? Are'nt the tools we use, of our own making ? Or were they made by something other than ourselves ?
Wake up! And look with your own eyes. Who was it spent his time and love, moving mountains with his faith ?
...and who is it, would spend his life, to bend a spoon ?