What scares them ? What are they afraid of ? Have the dirty pictures in this world filled their secret astral room with made up stages of gloom and dirt filled nostrils, to a point where they actually would wish more the death of others rather than to die and become selfless as did those polar warriors of before?
You chose to open the chest, to see what was inside, but no one forced you. It was your secret wish and wanting which made you let out all those innumerable evils that haunt and tear at the Cosmic Earth, ripping and cooking and broiling all living life !

Who told you to go and see ? What were you looking for ? Aren't you man enough to know and finally understand that Yaldabaoth or the Démiurge was made to become what you've made him to be ! You go into this World's Womb, lusting for death bits and bread crumbs and afterwards you only complain ! While it's only you who are the instagator, the one who initiated the holy mess, ...and now it worries me to lose my "skin".
From everywhere chaos is burgeoning, writhing and wreathing through the cracks in a flat world covered with flat minds. Flat people hearing decapitated flat sounds and seeing imaginary flat moons as they stand on top of a flat earth clutching to their electronic flat laptops!
When the Soul has lost its supernal roots and forgotten how to watch and see where its going, the devil's technological clamour through the mist of thousands of years of pretending, when revealed for what it is and has always been, frightens the city-made man, persuading him to believe, as to a silly spoiled child, that in REALITY there can only be FLAT WORLDS or MEATBALL EARTHS with tomato sauce !
But you see, man is only demented. He's a dishonest kind of incarnated animal. His soul pours into a jellied cranial plasma, streaming through a sinewed clay vessel, with plenty of slippery viscera in it. Afterwards, he wants to believe that with the cluttered space of his carnal brain box-room, he could actually explain it all, with words or mathematical premises...or else, say that he'd been tricked by some sort of devil-god into believing he was very very special, living in a real and permanent world order or unfortunate distopia that had been made, only just for him, or for his displeasure ! ...all other creatures were there with him, only to be his food or wanton slaves. And yet he opens the compass, measures the lights in the skies, even the moon and the sun; and the silly ignorant little man, with his petty technological mechanical crap esteems he can know what is going on, in a distant sky where he contemplates the moving world, standing in Death's cradle with persistently controlled organic mortal eyes !
What ever men say, see and do. They eat see hear touch and taste, fuck and defecate, while they play and dont seem to know, that their flat or round earth boat must sink ! They think it's all in the brain or something of the sort that heralds the dawn or the setting sun. They make things with plastic, glass and rubber and then use it in an instrumental and ingenious way to see and tell others how to watch what slips and goes heedlessly away into antimatter's abyss.
Who was it, that wanted to know ? To conquer love and land, hail the democratic glory which men honour at Walmart, in Paris or in London Africa ?
Who opened the box and let out the shadow, which hides in all immortal men ?
I did, and it was my Blood and daring sent me to it, to regain my spiritual land, to win back my Honour and the Sacred Life of all true living creatures !
It was to know the Truth.
But I dont need a camera, to tell others what to look for, what in fact, the mind control synthetic technology wants me to see.
I use my own inner eyes and just let my hyperborean heart do the knowing.