mercredi 3 juin 2015


From up here, through the heart's circular aperture I can contemplate you. But only when you leave off looking at all the horendous and marvelous things that tempt you into believing in their concrete separate but seemingling pythagorean reality, can you see me. Our minds meet here in this inexistant space.  

In the vast and spacious sky which over looks the multiple singular mouvements of every existing thing, we and the likes of us watch on, inperturbable. Here the golden mean has no activity : all numbers counted are like fleeting roaches. Nothing is explained.

The only affection we are capable of, is of an eternal and unwanting nature. Suspended in the Void of unknowing all geometries are without consequence.

We see, ...and as it is, we do not fret, nor obsessively thrive on what goes towards its meaningless disappearance. What is, lives in our surcelestial roots and bathes within the light of our solar minds.

Death bids only shadows : the outward circonference of the world where you are is but a closed play ground where the earthly minded are lost amongst shells and pebbles and city signs, kicking and chasing a ball. 

Our godliness has uprooted us from all secular worries. It is our divine nature which God creates. What men make when they scramble to and fro, turns to no valuable reckoning. When God makes something or someone, it lives by Him, nourishing itself with His immortal noble sustenance. 

Your friends await you. Your password to come, belongs only to you!

Nosce te ipsum.