mercredi 3 juin 2015

Itaque Anatropos Est

The world has never been otherwise, nor shall it be else. Fallen like a plaything from the lap of a tyrant king into a chaotic glue, you must work it out to the extreme limit, disrupting this mathematical spell on the Soul !

There can be no other way out, as you must go into the micro electromechanical system, that turns all and every beautiful and atrocious living thing into a traitor of the Spirit. You must in the end, captivate and steal your heart away from  all those seductive words that make men think that they can know it all!

Go, fill the material Calculus with your subtle blood.

Black cubes and white cubes combining ! On all their faces, just magic squares, enslaving the unwaryring trusting mind. Empty square boxes and empty vanity to fill the rotating sequences entrapping the pure transcendental spiritual happiness that sought no mean nor inferior ambition.

Yet, you're just a money bags, full of promises, signifying nothing. You cater to something you've invented, persuading others around you to believe it all means something wonderful, something desirable, something necessary, something worth killing and dying for, something to hold onto ! And it's all just stored uselessness, bringing man down to the ground. Precipitating godliness to the basement floor. It pulls to the bottom as long as you believe in it : language is like a promisary note, it's just all a matter of debt ! 

Money and words and false promise notes. This preposterous defying what one discretely knows, explaining and exploiting with nano-magic cubes the animated natural world with a quanta science ! You have the right to speak, to say and do what you think you know, and all that lego language you use to explain this world's life and laws befuddle sky and earth. All that...., while the very life that lives in you will abandon you, and leave you stranded in Hell's mouth, with a silly tortured and famished face? 

I slipped and fell. It wasn't intentional. 

Truth is better than illusion and what ever gift she would make to you ! Better to be awake than to daydream, turning your internal eye upside down. 

Be faithful even when you fall, dont go against the dead and dying world. Always take into consideration where you might land, the supernal fire in your heart will not be smothered !

   In death seduce the world.