Simply stated. True man has been interfered with. His higher self maliciously tampered with and,'s now been so long, been many centuries, even many many millenia. Way before the dawn of the Iron Age, that a dark and hideous political & religious demonology hosted and lived in the hijacked consciousness of man, due to humanity's own fault and idiotic undoing, as he was terrorized by a desert usurpateur's menacing threats.
All this with bombs and bullets and lots and lots of fireworks: Smoke & Mirrors and Mirages! Ancient aliens of the Sinai!
When true man had lost his unique connection to the essential root of his impervious awareness, then the Demiurge rushed in onto the long awaited scene, where man had neglected his creational duty,
...All this while the Architecte archontic played civilizational savior through all manner of rhetorical & numerical linguistic magical formulae, imposed on whom he would deform inwardly, a host of geometrical and hypnotic rites that would ensure surreptitiously, the total destruction of mankind's 4 inimitable racial souls and of the divine cosmic hierarchy that kept all in balance from the spheres beneath even unto to the most infernal regions of all worlds to those that were above.
On a certain list was Odin and his 11 Kinsmen. Those angels who fell from heaven ( perhaps in order to restore to the White Race, to its lost memory, the emerald link, that through out Eternity's recycling across biological processes of organic generation, drives its impulse of Will over Mortality into all worthy living things despite their specific existential situation, emanating from infinity's breasts without ever stopping, from the Great Vortex of Hyper-Being), to fight against the desert vampire who would eventually intervene shamelessly like a horrid leech, distorting with his no-mind of Chaos the divine plan of each true God, by the sucking of the aryan blood. Both astral & spiritual, as well physical.
But to each race their god, or to none their god, and to the godless, no god at all. Condemned karmically thru racial sin. They became the murderers of their GOD. And thru or because of their unconscious innocent kindness and the great profusion of an abundant heated vitality, they mixed liked children who didn't know what would fatally befall their kind and kindred and hindered the Great Cross of Holy Life from bestowing health and wisdom on its children! On all its children from the lowest to the highest in moral and intellectual qualities.
Then inevitably thru Time's patience the Holy and Guiding Ghost of one transparent people shall flee this land where the Angels because of a certain kind of piety will no longer fear to tread oblivious spaces!
And thus having been inconsiderate toward its privileged responsibility inside the hollow cosmic world, deep black Africa will annihilate the land (of those who dared reach beyond the stars, having been entirely conceived mysteriously beyond the 9nth Circle of the Heavens), only to devour with their ape-like uselessness the fruits of those who labored so hard, even to the point of destroying the very earth of the others that fed them.
Condemning all earth to a pernicious and degrading decline till death, excluding all possible redemption, thru the Mass Extinction of White Humanity, not the least being the impossibility for any glimpse of Aryan beauty to further bless etc. with its sacred presence, the stars the moon the sun by the Sacred Application of the Order of Phi.
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The Aryan Kin in Heaven without Mongrels. |