mercredi 16 mars 2016

Bafomet 2 and the Brass Head of Saint Johnny

The brass head filled with a complex infinity. 

Conceived while in the outrage of inconsistant dark lovers.

Was made of copper and tin. Therein iron is at its best in order to give us palatable gold. Inside was what we call in today's jargon, led. Our elixir has no monatomic origins.

A colloïdal substance something like a kind of congealed plasma, full of yeast salt and the VOID. In it is an arboreal vitality. Our viatica and vitriolic grail. It sucks from the inside of the Springtime aerial matter a certain dense and fiery igneous power. It gives a weight that can only come from the invisible and intangible spirit, hidden in the recesses of the air we think we breathe!

From this into our cadaver in the heat of a furnace, contained in a triple walled recipient, Saint Johnny's head is inserted into an obscure unfathomable deleterious broken powder.   

But without the mineral celestial water, which issues from within the earth's bowels, cannot be known seen nor touched the black mycoplasma that can be found in our private latrines. Vessel filled with dragon sulfur and red arsenic, from which can be distilled the Virgin's very white immaculate and preternatural pristine milk.