Between the beginning and the end the 7 vowels dance around the Figure of the World's Death, just seven deadly sins combining, eternally. Fulfilling perfectly all human wishes.
Each watching the other suspicious and wary, fighting for hegemony, wandering on the circles turning. Chiming the heart beat to the very end of it all. Mesmerized. Dumbfounded perpetually. Just so many demi-spheres breaking with the tide on the beach.
The way out stares in at you.
Between 2 Suns and the Zodiacal earth spinning in the middle of the great big dark emptiness. A sign for each place, like Lucifer rising and setting at the very same time.
The heavens spinning over head, like a twisting wet rag above a desolate land, sending from beneath the big firmament, more souls to the seeds in the clay. Waiting there.
Aren't you happy to watch it fall? That terrible angel expending his soul into the dirt! A fiery lingam linking 2 empty glasses, for you only. Watching Heaven and Earth meet.
2 snakes on a rod in your hollow spine, just before your eyes inside of the heart's cavern!
Does it hurt to be in the wet dust, washed with blood and sand, greased with sulfur.
Azazel and Issa, just Templars burning at the stake, in front of the poor suffering crowd of mankind, the people, so happy to see more innocence destroyed again and again just for their stupendously stupid mammal happiness. And their own grandchildren!
Not yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!