samedi 31 décembre 2016

Beyond Gog and Magog

There are indeed, multiple gods as well as the diverse activities which are nothing but the inevitable proof of their creative actions taking on some outward comprehensible physical formation. Great bodies in the making. Between here and there. There is definitely another other, than one unique god!

Because in the beginning among many of those who came from the eternal and infinite ether, the great big indefinite dimension, containing in seed all sorts of dimension, needed to install Time and Space and the degradation that goes with it, in the minds of those silly enough to believe hypnotically! 

Yet one eternal visage emanates from the abyss. One god among many. All divided amongst themselves perpetually at combat with another's fear and pride! Debating at the hands of fate, what is betoken to finitude's hegemony.


Four sacred races going down the drain. All of them precipitated into an unsacred hotch potch! 

...down the drain the archetypes
of all and sundry,
down under into some odd mixture
blind and deaf and dumb

disappearing finally
the Aether that had made them all!

What a divine opportunity, to break those stones where there was no hard earned will accomplished. An immense joy awaits those gods knowing when to die how and what for. Eternally awaiting the lightning moment. 

I will build me a house and within it, I will establish my order. Here within my Home, no demiurges of the vile ungodly democratic kind will be able to say what I or an other should think or do: because no one shall know my invisible Name hidden to all, who are unfathomably profane. Blasphemous! 

My Home will be in the Holy Aether.

To rebuild the Holy Cross with no miscegenation! At each arm's length the strength of each royal race within the grasp of pristine and proud hands. Each at their assigned place in the Great Nothingness. Maintaining Sacred Order. No vulgar fear of New World Orders.

Each ruled by their own true god!

Nothing to be bought or sold in this place. No Law come from Jehovah nor some obscure black magician! ...thriving in another people's blood because some uncelestial lunatic come from the infamous bottomless pit said so...said it was holy to take another people's land. To kill them and put in their living space a Temple to honor some horrific and sick fiend.


With hope this World will collide with others. And a true and harmonious soul be birthed from it. For the gates that held back the fury of those who have suffered the underworld tyranny, are now taking the sword of the long awaited justice which this mundane space has since time immemorial frustrated!


The Sons of God shall be redeemed. The Wasteland left to those who squalor in it, admiring their own desperate filth.