L'interférence de la part du Démiurge dans le regard et l'interprétation de ce que l'on voit est endémique et universelle. Elle permane et interfère dans tous les usages et coutumes, dans l'activité sociale des affaires, tout comme dans les actes d'amour et d'affection que les hommes et animaux domestiqués prétendent porter les uns pour les autres.
Malheureusement qui croit aimer, n'aime pas mais c'est un autre qui aime en lui ! Qui croit haïr ou détester, il n'en est rien, c'est une autre chose, un hôte implanté en lui qui hait ! C'est la non-vie parasitaire du Démiurge qui pompe comme un sangsue, la beauté intérieure de l’Éternelle Préternaturelle Ousia qui déifie en substance le Noble Immortel.
Le Démiurge, c'est la vision qu'on impose entre votre regard innocent et l'innocente neutralité de l'Activité Kosmique. Le mensonge perpétué par les hommes-mouchards du Démiurge veille à ce qu'on ne voie pas pour soi-même, qu'on n'entende pas avec sa propre ouïe et surtout que le regard vital et magique de l'Homme Véritable ou Innocent ne démolisse avec sa foudre, le cache-misère qui dispose et formate l’œil franc de l'esprit personnel afin de le pervertir. Ils dissimulent la sacralité de l'existence de tous le êtres et en fait des objets de spéculation ou d'investissement comptabilisable dans quel qu’avenir cybertechnocratosociodemocratique! C'est l'abstrait mensonge de cette Idole, cette Idole qui n'est autre qu'un égrégore tout aussi arrogant et prétentieux que les hommes-mouchards avec leur mauvaise foi spirituelle et séculaire peuplent leurs sociales assemblées.
Il y a une mauvaise foi dirigeante qui comme énergie pseudo-spirituelle et électromagnétique fourbe organise géométriquement ce que nous voyons. Cette mauvaise fois est entretenue constamment par une sorte d'initiation et culture de pacotille que les serviteurs du Démiurge lèguent à leurs serviteurs et esclaves dupes. Cette organisation par la bien intentionnée indoctrination des badauds somnambulés, s'assure par l'énergie animo-organique de la matière de l'esprit cérébral grâce à la puissance envoûtante du Démiurge ! Elle s'infiltre dans la "vision simple" et s'en empare pour installer l'Abomination de la Spiritualité Séculaire : Le Progrès de l'Humanité alors que tout autour, il n'y que désolation et dissolution des cohérences et des corps organiques : la mise à Mort de Toute Sacralité, et la manifestation de la Misère sacrale et pénurie de l'Âme, et la disparition du Noble Courage des Innocents!
Que notre Noble Dieu fortifie et encourage les nôtres ! Qu'Il monde notre regard et nous épargne la mauvaise foi !
Soyons malin comme Ulysse, sachons déjouer l'entreprise des archontes avec l'aide d'Athéna. Nous accomplirons notre voyage de retour et du nouveau notre chère épouse sera à nos côtés, avec sa fière allure. Ave et Pax.
...que l'Image de Dieu que vous portez vous engendre, cela va sans dire, et donc hélas, oui il faudrait épurer l'estime que l'on a, et de soi-même et donc d'autrui. Et de voir l'autre, c'est surtout de comprendre qu'il ne faut pas supposer chez lui " ce qu'il n'est pas " de FAIT!
Une âme est une âme et se constate par qui en a une. Il n'y a pas à la sauver n'y à l'abaisser. L'esprit de celui qui en possède une est forcement noble selon et d'après le comportement et la générosité que sa réelle présence inspire, mais dont la vertu néanmoins, répugnerait à une personne de nature nettement inférieure et ignoble, provoquant par là pour ainsi dire, une réaction certainement adverse!
Il serait temps de laisser tomber les notions néfastes sur la nécessité des collectivités et savoir qu'au contraire les véritables assemblées saintes ne se feraient jamais par des moyens imposés du dehors!
...mais seulement grâce au contact cultivé par l'Ego véritable avec son Dieu dans sa propre demeure invisible aux regards vicieux.
...les hiérarchies institutionnelles sont dans le dénouement, superfétatoires et les notions collectivistes qui en émanent ne peuvent accorder chez des personnes spirituellement absentes, le Salut ! ...je veux dire que c'est l'intimité que l'on entretient auprès de notre nature véritable et à condition d'avoir un Dieu, qui nous pourrait nous mettre en rapport avec l'assemblée des amis aryens. S'il fallait chercher à l'imposer par des régimes d'éducation, ou par des procédures bureaucratiques d'administration pour le bien social, c'est qu'on n'aurait pas su entendre ce que cela voulait dire que d'être un "ARYEN"/NOBLE!
...qui a un Dieu n'a pas besoin de religion, mais qui n'en a pas, ferait mieux d'en trouver une et de la pratiquer à fond ! car sans Dieu être sans religion appellerait une débâcle de misère qui émanerait tout droit du Néant!
Truly, words can be but ineffable vocal blunderings, even though each word or phrase have an inevitable numerical innate or created value ! A numerical value, because having a certain mathematical structure, all words whatever their worth according to context or some evident or occult meaning given to them, do indubitably imply by their constructs of subtle matter a real action upon what is there and upon those who would listen or hear them, a psychical-physical consequence. Words are as imperfect as those who would dare use them, whether to ask for a cup of coffee or to explain some so-called metaphysical idea.
Words are but words and yet it is enough to use them, to say something ridiculous or to communicate in some sort of incoherent jibberish !
Words are like guide-posts that would lead someone to the thing being said, leaving one the freedom to understand or not, to go on from there or not, to some assumed conclusion.
In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat verbum. Hoc erat in principio apud Deum.
Evangelium secundum Iohannem
A conscious immortal spirit will strive in this realm of tears to make known in a physical way, using the subtle matter of words as an efficent tool for communicating a glimpse of the enormous spiritual energy which is in its preternatural essence. Puting into action what would otherwise be from some unknown realm of being. A realm of being where there is not any sort of describable "matter" or "anti-matter" ! A realm where the immortal noble spirit has its root.
Certainly, it can go without saying, we use words each and every day for things we call meaningless as well as for those things we consider important. But all depends on who are those who use the words, for what reason and why ?
Be careful, when you speak, for all about you there are ears that hear and listen : angels that watch and demons who will ensnare those who are impudent and vain. There are those who speak and whatever it be, their words will have no effect neither on their surroundings nor on themselves ! But there are those, who even inadvertently or be it awares, must watch out for the consequences of their speech. And these are those who are the Immortal.
Make no mistake, what an ignorant atheist or religious ignoramous might say or do on this side of Death, will have no effect neither in the next world, nor in Eternity ! But it is different and something else for those who create or have created in themselves an animated soul. That is, it is otherwise for those who transmigrate from this world to another, or elsewhere. These are the children of God.
And God can have good and bad children.
The children of God, or if one wishes, the warrior/servants of God have powers of doing and thinking, of seeing and of hearing that cannot be found in Mortal Man. Mortal men say things that mean nothing, unless it be in an artificial and secular mind set, or within a "civilised" and politicized commercial world.
There is a spiritual organic nature belonging to words, to the letters of which they are composed. Indeed only an immortal man could actually ignite their sublime yet discrete subtle substance. He could create and sustain through their invisible plasticity, natural catastrophes or just call on the rain in days of drought. He cannot just say what pleases his own ears or that which would flatter the vainglory of some fragile demoiselle ! What he says, becomes and by the power of his speech could either be detrimental to him or to others. And this is not just metaphorical ! What he would dare believe in saying through verbal enunciation will put him to a Test,...the very words he uses will seek out to undermine and penetrate each and every crack and stronghold in him that would contradict his warranted or unwarranted intention ! He must be innocent and therefore "truly" sincere .
What is to be known cannot be said, but with the wrong words the unknowable can be made to show its ominous force. Of course their is the socio-psychological effect of words on others as well as on oneself, having necessarily an emotional impact, but it is not of this academic power that I am speaking of.
It is true that words have their limitations, just like all creatures who inhabit earthen vessels; as do the stars in the sky have an outward cloak of visibility. But these aerate/earthly schematic/frames that form words do not deny what is cognizant in a word. With conscious intent a veritable man can with noble enterprise make active what is otherwise invisible through a theurgic will by and with just simple words.
But once again, we are not speaking about describing things, or of explaining ideas with words, whereby all meaning depends on whom or to whom one is speaking. Words mean nothing without their psycho-social content and a certain imagined historical context behind them. ...and of course men are not equal in their understanding, or just have'nt the same capacities or tools in order to understand, etc.
al Khidr
Be careful then of what you might say, of what you might think before saying it. It doesn't really matter to whom you might speak, or of what you might be speaking of. But only if you are worthy to say what you say and know what you are saying, because the words that come from your mouth will juge you and see to it, that what you speak, you speak truly. Having learnt, that there is a powerful virtue in you and in what you might say !
"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the
heart, and those defile the man."
Matthew XV:18
Noble Men of supernatural birth cannot just do or say anything. They must live with the consequences of what they have said and will say. When their inspirations make themselves known in the ethereal and physical domains, using physically spoken words, these words will act upon the speaker as well as on those who will listen without having to be in some sort of trance or hypnotised; and if these words are filled with a spiritual fluid justifying their sacred activity, then what has made itself manifest will be their Pleromic activity.
You can speak out loudly and no one will understand, except those who belong to the Pleroma's Initiatic Praxis. Dead souls have no understanding and these same words through their speech may seem to be transformed, in their midst, into calculated and pleasing lies.
Addendum : And since the "principles of reason and life" can never be grasped by the orders they establish, it is through the Soul's preconceptual contact with the gods that it sees and knows them.
Prof. Gregory Shaw on Iamblichus
The Supernal Principle of Honor is the Substanciating Power of each word spoken. You are an immoratal, and each word you pronunce regardless of whether it be here with your feet on the dust of your ancestors' broken bones and deteriorated flesh or only thought on some psycho-astral plain among their ghosts : Your word is your honor and honor is the real value of all and any soul, and more than any other creature inhabiting this delusional deathly existence the honor inherent to the noble immortal should give a magical caracter to what he speaks when he wants to make something known(but be careful of throwing away your pearls to swine) even in a blog on google chrome ! Inspite of the so called imperfections in this electro-plastic world of denartured transgenenic men and women, when we say something pertaining to the sacred nature of life in its battle to be, we fill with an immortal sense the imperfect words we use...and the spirit will juge us as we have juged because we just cant escape from what we say or know ! ...and yes the others do seem to flee, but only in appearance, and yet because they have no Honor to sustain them beyond death which would permit them to brush aside the sentinal-archons who gard the passage ways they will perish for having insulted Life's Sacredness. My loyalty is my honor. My honor is my Word. Perhaps this illusional world and those belonging to it are just simply incapable of listening..., being unprovided with that quality which would whisper its Immortal and Eternal Nature to itself.
If your eyes are buried in the flesh, and what you claim to see, are but microns and cockroaches : so many disasters, belonging to the crumbling buried brain,...then I can imagine you have lived up to now, a very unrewarding delusory life !
But, then again would it have been possible to provide the deep hole of dissatisfaction, with water continuously, it would never fill its inherent uselessness !
The Mind watches as all has disappeared. On the brink of the brain's programmed calamity, I watch the distance between what is there and here, become an enormous chasm. Yet I stare on.
What has been known in the heart will not be taken away, nor can the evil mind defeat its august eye. What can only be known between honourable spirits cannot be divulged.
Who can sell it ? Where could you buy it ? It is for no one and can only be shared between the clean hearted.
No books will give it to you. It cannot be found at the market, but in market places is known. People and Nations are unworthy of it, yet all unfallen nature abides relentlessly, its own voice a secret which will not be violated !
What is, has no ambition to be known. Those who betray it, lose what no church can give. But no church can be without its instruction and if so, will perish if its edifice count for more then those whom it should serve : those temples of God that only good noble men can be !
Ni les 4 éléments, ni l'aether, ni aucune équation conçue en une école ...
Ni le Ciel ni les astres ni la Terre ...
Rien ne me retiendra. Et personne ne pourra jamais m’incarcérer ni dans ma tête ni dans les corps de mes pérégrinations. Oui, certes au fond du caveau le tout de ce qui a été, se disloque ! Oui, et y compris le cerveau où la vanité des élucubrations était d'elle-même transie d'affabulations hallucinogènes ! ...de chair grise, de synapses et de neurones ! ...d'intrépides constructions au carbone !
Je suis le témoin de l'acte créateur, celui qui le porte et celui qui le pourvoit de substance du néant ! J'avance comme un sublimé, et du solide m’éthérise : je me divise et me rassemble ce qui est épars ! ....je transmigre du plan au plan....d'un lieu à l'autre je paye les pots cassés de mes bêtises, mais je persiste, parfois je gagne des honneurs.
On croyait que ce n'étaient qu'ossements et humus noir, pourtant j'assimile la sève résiduelle qui loge dans les choix de ces royaumes prisonniers qui m'appartenaient autrefois. Je prie et me débats avec ce corps du démiurge plein du sang, articulé de muscles et de ligaments, ces attaches comme des chaînes qui me rendent humble. Les lois de l'organisme gnomique président à l'oeuvre de cette coalescence qu'est l'harmonie de ce tout terrestre avec la volonté spirituelle qui discerne le moment idolâtre : là où l'ego interprète les signes. Là quand la volonté de bien faire dirige mon âme ! Je suis une inaliénable émanation de la Déité, et c'est Elle qui m'est une réalité. Ma conscience est sienne, je ne suis pas autre que sa transcendance. Ici où ailleurs, sa Face accompagne mes pensées et actions. Il n'y a pas autre qu'Elle. Je suis la preuve ayant être et esprit, muni d'une conscience prêter-naturelle, de son Unicité : qui sont mes frères participent à ce Plérôme. Qui s'en excluent, périront dans la poussière avec les restes d'orgueil que le démiurge aura légués ! ...des débris parmi les futilités d'un organisme bon à nourrir les détritus de l'arrogance. A mes cochons je ne donne que ce que je délaisse.
What has come between the eyes and the secret mind which sees ? Who has devastated pretentiously, the second born who knew...why dare one serve only six silly senses, only to lose the imperious direction of oneself ? Where would the seemingly dark connections of this world that permeates with its plasticity lead the innocent noble people if it were not for that prevailing Principle, our very godhead that makes of us, one aryan folk !
"Pleurer est le fait des femmes, mais résister aux méchants, c'est viril. Si vous aimez la sagesse, cessez vos larmes et par la voix et par l'écriture, résistez à ses ennemis ! "
Guillaume de Conches
How can friends of Heart and Mind recognize each other if it were'nt for that very Lord who directs the Secret Mind, that very Mind which is yours and has been since before that very moment when the Other Mind sought a parasitical refuge in your Soul only to blind you. One Lord must lead the soul's vehicule and no synthetic cybernetic machination that would impose itself, through some awful plan of cattle politic including some nano-particle ingestion!
In the Image of God,..... and yet by being only what you are intrinscally, you are the very proof of that One God by being the Lord of your Home. There is no fusion whatsoever with some vague and diabolical Other ! You are the simplicity anterior to all diversity : you are the Secret Mind behind your own eyes ! The Dark Cybernetic Construct which would imprison and condition you, cannot enshakle a twice born . The Innocent Mind will not be divided and will conduct itself : boldly, if need be, through the mists of the eternally returning !
What has put itself behind our eyes, in front of our seeing ? What Lie would live in the cellar of our souls, with the wish of bringing us down ! Make us see what isn't there, therefore with the intention to lead us astray, to gouvern us as if we were pigs in the mud, clinging to wanton pleasures of deceit. A diabolical spiritual murderer, that would pretend to slaughter the immortal root, depriving us of our Holy Earth ! Not this earth that needs new corpses to replenish itself, but an earth all in itself a Holy Spiritual Ousia.
Surely, as one brother has intimated, no book learning nor intellectual debate would ever, could ever replace the necessary direct experience that comes from a true Gnostic Praxis !
But without a body, whatever which kind, with all its minglings, whether it be here or there in some diaphanous realm, without a god or in the company of gods, without the struggles and a warrior's nerves there would be no Gnosis worthy of my respect !
...filius dei, deus est hinc et nunc...de deo amici dei, de amori suo, genitor.
Who is it that came between the Kubernos and what he saw, and what was to be done ?... afterwards what he wished to avoid and to combat, was not vanquished...there really are very few twice born ones amongst us, but then again the very best are very rare and these are the True Elite, the first ones to lose their attachement to their holografic lives for their own kind!
Is God a creator of ugliness, or does He from the very beginning want Perfection and Beauty for every real Being ? Is He the Supreme Eugenecist who has from beyond all conceptual time and space, whether it be understood by organic brains or ethereal minds, wanted perfection for the self which inhabits each aspiring noble consciousness ?
"...and God has set a measure for everything."
The Holy Qur'an Divorce
A measure not according to some materialistic technocratic or economic standard , but according to an innate yearning that would have been adressed to all human creatures from within their primordial being. And this in the Godhead's very presence !
God created race. And in each race there is a noble perfection awaiting its natural germination. Within each colour, the noble man strives to show what from the essential principle of all true living creatures, the Divinity wants and has always wanted ! Perfect beauty, perfect courage, perfect intelligence and perfect justice: His throne sits on FOUR PILLARS. ...and in each race there is a noble immortal, a holy grail where God manifests His divine Presence. Does not every good and noble Mother want the best for her child, doesn't she aspire to her child being the noblest, a good man ?
But of course, the atheist has no intellectual way of knowing this. He would mix genetiquement all and everything only to go against that which is impossible for his comprehension : 4 Majestic Races. Each being the Prima Materia of its own Celestial Stone. Each belonging to its own Spiritual Continent.
"Have you not seen that God has created Seven Heavens, each the one over the other ?"
The Holy Qur'an Noah
According to an interpretation from the Sheikh Imran N. Hosein, he says,"...the Qur'an affirms that mankind passed through the same process of emergence through different dimensions of space and time until we emerged in this world." Further on he says, that through a "progressive decrease in subtlety" there is a "progressive crystallisation of the process of Al Khala", the divine creativity.
In the Holy Qur'an it is often mentioned that there are Seven Heavens, Sab'a Samawatan. It is through these celestial strates that mankind emerges, that the races of mankind have emerged and within which the Noble Man must emerge ! These successive layers through which would be made known the Noble will of God, can only be the creation of a noble Man. The best and most perfect, a Spiritual Man, a virtuous Man ...a Man that would be made in his God's Image.
When you see a people acting deplorably, this is a way of knowing which god they honour, or rather which simulacre of a god has created them !
All that is best in all creatures has come down to this world through the Seven Heavens, seven worlds each having its own Time and Space. They do not mix, but are each, one over the other without mixing. Certain kinds of people live simultaneously in all seven. Others only in the lowest. Others have gone from here and live in those places in another time and space, where God only knows !
What stays in the lowest spheres and has not recognised its original transcendatal nature has either lost it, or never had one to begin with and is simply an empty shell, organicaly programmed where evil entities might visit.
Le Sheikh Hosein says again in accordance with certain Hadiths(sayings from the Prophet), that these seven heavens of different space and time(something like the aeons in antiquity) are the following :
1. a day like 50,000 years
2. a day like 1000 years
3. a day like 300 years
4. a day like 100 years
5. a day like a year
6. a day like a month and
7. a day like a week
I would add as well, our world of a day like a "day", making in all 8 sorts of space/time. Not without mentioning those other heavens which go beyond these eight. As well as those seven "flights" of hell!
Because of Hesiod and Ovid, we have been taught that there are 4 Ages(sometimes 5) within Eternity. 4 Races, a race belonging to each age. And yet all this has been perhaps mishapened, each author interpreting after his own point of view in the specific circumstances of his time, what each age was or was not to be! Returning eternally.
In Eternity, Time is simultaneous : Its place of reference is an instantaneous abime with no before nor hereafter, each part like in a circle's quartered parts is either before or afterward ! Each part being at the same time in another Time ! Yet in one circle. But all these "times" emanate from within Eternity.
The Holy Cross, would in a Certain Sacred Praxis annouce 4 Holy Colours, 4 interdependant stations. 4 proud and royal Races, not one should exclude the other, nor either one, wish the other's destruction ! Each Race must honour its God and respect the God of the other. For if not, in an instant the Sacred Bears in the Northern Skies would fall and our Holy Cross be broken.
It has nothing to do with two brains or the two halves of a single biological organ. The which are both organicaly mechanical and therefore constructed by some sort of awkward and imperfect bad thinking !
No. It's about the true mind, and its shadow friend and ennemy, who accompanies it.
It is there in this biological construct that resides the shadow self, who unawares, would clog awareness, obstructing the life of the loved one living in a deep dark hole ! How else otherwise, could the matricial false mother combine and direct human beings if their corporal material did not issue itself forth from its unfathomable mortal womb ? This dark hole. Certainly, the origin of this dilemna comes into existance because of a kind of mutual misunderstanding, depending on the atomic structure which organizes the numerical substance ! But wherefore the cause of this all ? Did Lucifer really fall ? Or did he send himself down beneath into the dust of this World, having a purpose ? Could this mortal womb give birth, had he not come ? Is there life without a life making itself known ? But why did he forget the reason for his coming, only to return to the dust which he has put on ? Surely the memory of all this lingers on somewhere in the back of his mind, instructing him from behind his eyes. The secret immaterial body, she that would be his immortal self made of pure thought and a certain spiritual matter. A divine material belonging to a divine womb of which the origin is itself divine in nature.
And she was made a prisoner to the gods of Death. Yet she was not of mortal and ignoble Fate. This is the secret dialogue where beauty like two dragons quibbles, fastening itself to its own wings, where sky and earth embrace, each with the other's mind looking the other way round. Yet two minds in one invisible head. In one circle, bound by one serpent. And the Great Bear turns. The mill in the heart moves the Skies.
Oculatus Abis. You shall go on, seeing clearly ! No longer mystified by all those electromagnetic waves. Leaving the dead plastic earth beneath you, having ressurected a Lion's Heart, stripping away the rust.
Y entonces, Arbaris la vio desnuda, por primera vez. Y todo una eternidad no le bastara para contemplarla, en tremula y arrobada contemplacion.
He aqui la historia que seguramente se contaba en el Génesis, antes de ser mutilado y transformado por la gran conspiracion del Señor de las Tinieblas. Junto al Arbol, Allouine enseño a Arbaris el Amor Inmovil, en la contemplacion de su cuerpo desnudo, pero sin tocarla, sin poseerla en el contacto de los cuerpos materiales, que crean el hijo de la carne y de la disolucion.
And afterwards, Arbaris saw her naked, for the first time. And all eternity was not enough to contemplate her, while he trembled in enraptured awe.
This is the story which was certainly told in Genesis, before it had been mutilated and transformed by the Dark Lord's great conspiracy. Next to the Tree, Allouine showed to Arbaris, what Immutable Love was, through the act of seeingher naked body, but without touching her, without possessing her through the contact of material bodies, which would only create a carnal child destined to die !
Puis après, Arbaris la vit nue pour la première fois. Et l’Éternité ne lui suffisait pas pour la contempler : alors qu'il tremblait ébahi par la vision.
Ceci est certainement l'histoire qui était racontée dans la Genèse, avant qu'elle ne soit mutilée et transformée par la grande conspiration du Seigneur des Ténèbres. A côté de l'Arbre, se tenait Allouine qui montra à Arbaris, l'Amour Immuable grâce à la vision de son corps nu, mais sans la toucher, sans la posséder par le contact des corps matériels, qui créent des enfants de chair et de dissolution.
Don Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler : El Ultimo Avatara
La citation d'un Maître vient appuyer la pensée de celui qui adore aux confins de son cœur l'inéluctable destin du guerrier qui à travers maintes péripéties regrette l'occasion manquée.
Cependant il persiste. Et s'incline devant celle qui l'instruit.
To quote a Master brings solace to a warrior who while in adoration within the limits of his heart, after many perils regrets having failed !
And yet, he continues. And bows before the Loved One who teaches.
...ils auront beau me brûler les burnes, en attendant comme si je n'étais plus ! On croit que l'astre du jour ne fait qu'éclairer les ombres et les jouissances du dehors...alors que tout ce qui habite le mercuriel éclat du Monde, n'est que comme autant de gouttes de sueur projetées ! Prenant une semblance de vie autonome.
Les arbres, le ciel, la route, les semi-remorques, le bruit : tout ce qui est là à partir de ce pied de chêne où t'es assis: une éjaculation du Soleil dans la vulve de l’envoûtement général.
Je me relève, me dresse et pars. L’œil homogène. Je reprends mon envol. Ma conscience libre.
Toute la Terre et tout ce qui y vit et en émane n'est que prédestination, prisonnière d'un Logos : une immense vasque où pullule de solarité sous des cieux heptagones le fatras spontané d'un seul et unique désir tyran, beau et effrayant !
Pourtant, je suis autre. Et ne lui appartiens pas. Ce soleil là est une chose en vie autre que moi. ...et je suis un astre autre qui s'est oublié, en convalescence !
Autre, oui ! Et dont l'esprit échappe à la norme de ceux et celles qui n'ont d'autre espoir que de mourir et nourrir des larves.
Am I to clean up the mess, and come from out of my kingdom, only to be misunderstood or even worse : to dirty myself ?
Should I stay within these obscure places where only the Holy Ghost would dare to visit ?
What does it matter to explain, or defend one's thoughts amongst the dishonest, who would hide the supernal awareness from this world, would rather search for praise and recognition, for what is dirty minded, vile and vulgar. Are incapable of making the difference between what is Good and what is Evil : what is Royal and what is Filthy in its True Intent !
To this world of octets, all is equal, all is useless, just "bits" of info, where one would ruin the beautiful and smear it with grime and soot in a synthetic process. All that just to have the right to hurt, insult and make more wealthy those who have no mercy for life, except it be for gain, selfishness and dishonor ! To save the world if only for its corpse and the exterior gravel on its surface.
Afterall, these are only loose atoms swimming in a holografic mud ! The cricket, the fox and the bird that would die are just a hologram. Insult upon insult !
He who cannot have any respect for the image of a living thing, cannot but neglect the very thing itself according to the eternity of that thing in the mind of God. Those who would see the world as flat, have no internal spiritual dimension.
But can I, am I to clean the mess ?
...or stay here in the dark bright places of my soul and flee the flies of droth ? Can those who pretend to love life, the earth and all its kind, speak to foxes or with serpents have communion. Can they speak with the little birds on my roof top ? Do they comprehend the bat and the falcon ? Does it matter ?
Who see's my reflection, sees me. Who know's where I am will find me. If I take back mine own reflection, then that is mine own business. Should I stay in my cave, in the seat of my realm I am but like a Fox with his little ones. Should I come out I become a Wolf. Not even the Demiurgos can do without my consent. He's as if he were nothing unless I say, BE.
To whom does she bring good food gifts ? To a hologram ?
Will I still want to clean up the mess, or will I respect those who have gone on to a New Earth and a New Sky : those who have understood that here, there is nothing to save.
Nevertheless I shall respect what is Noble, for the rest of it, it is to late.