"Pleurer est le fait des femmes, mais résister aux méchants, c'est viril. Si vous aimez la sagesse, cessez vos larmes et par la voix et par l'écriture, résistez à ses ennemis ! "
Guillaume de Conches
How can friends of Heart and Mind recognize each other if it were'nt for that very Lord who directs the Secret Mind, that very Mind which is yours and has been since before that very moment when the Other Mind sought a parasitical refuge in your Soul only to blind you. One Lord must lead the soul's vehicule and no synthetic cybernetic machination that would impose itself, through some awful plan of cattle politic including some nano-particle ingestion!
In the Image of God,..... and yet by being only what you are intrinscally, you are the very proof of that One God by being the Lord of your Home. There is no fusion whatsoever with some vague and diabolical Other ! You are the simplicity anterior to all diversity : you are the Secret Mind behind your own eyes ! The Dark Cybernetic Construct which would imprison and condition you, cannot enshakle a twice born . The Innocent Mind will not be divided and will conduct itself : boldly, if need be, through the mists of the eternally returning !
What has put itself behind our eyes, in front of our seeing ? What Lie would live in the cellar of our souls, with the wish of bringing us down ! Make us see what isn't there, therefore with the intention to lead us astray, to gouvern us as if we were pigs in the mud, clinging to wanton pleasures of deceit. A diabolical spiritual murderer, that would pretend to slaughter the immortal root, depriving us of our Holy Earth ! Not this earth that needs new corpses to replenish itself, but an earth all in itself a Holy Spiritual Ousia.
Surely, as one brother has intimated, no book learning nor intellectual debate would ever, could ever replace the necessary direct experience that comes from a true Gnostic Praxis !
But without a body, whatever which kind, with all its minglings, whether it be here or there in some diaphanous realm, without a god or in the company of gods, without the struggles and a warrior's nerves there would be no Gnosis worthy of my respect !
...filius dei, deus est hinc et nunc...de deo amici dei, de amori suo, genitor.
Who is it that came between the Kubernos and what he saw, and what was to be done ?... afterwards what he wished to avoid and to combat, was not vanquished...there really are very few twice born ones amongst us, but then again the very best are very rare and these are the True Elite, the first ones to lose their attachement to their holografic lives for their own kind !