Truly, words can be but ineffable vocal blunderings, even though each word or phrase have an inevitable numerical innate or created value ! A numerical value, because having a certain mathematical structure, all words whatever their worth according to context or some evident or occult meaning given to them, do indubitably imply by their constructs of subtle matter a real action upon what is there and upon those who would listen or hear them, a psychical-physical consequence. Words are as imperfect as those who would dare use them, whether to ask for a cup of coffee or to explain some so-called metaphysical idea.
Words are but words and yet it is enough to use them, to say something ridiculous or to communicate in some sort of incoherent jibberish !
Words are like guide-posts that would lead someone to the thing being said, leaving one the freedom to understand or not, to go on from there or not, to some assumed conclusion.
In principio erat verbum, et verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat verbum. Hoc erat in principio apud Deum.
Evangelium secundum Iohannem
A conscious immortal spirit will strive in this realm of tears to make known in a physical way, using the subtle matter of words as an efficent tool for communicating a glimpse of the enormous spiritual energy which is in its preternatural essence. Puting into action what would otherwise be from some unknown realm of being. A realm of being where there is not any sort of describable "matter" or "anti-matter" ! A realm where the immortal noble spirit has its root.
Certainly, it can go without saying, we use words each and every day for things we call meaningless as well as for those things we consider important. But all depends on who are those who use the words, for what reason and why ?
Be careful, when you speak, for all about you there are ears that hear and listen : angels that watch and demons who will ensnare those who are impudent and vain. There are those who speak and whatever it be, their words will have no effect neither on their surroundings nor on themselves ! But there are those, who even inadvertently or be it awares, must watch out for the consequences of their speech. And these are those who are the Immortal.
Make no mistake, what an ignorant atheist or religious ignoramous might say or do on this side of Death, will have no effect neither in the next world, nor in Eternity ! But it is different and something else for those who create or have created in themselves an animated soul. That is, it is otherwise for those who transmigrate from this world to another, or elsewhere. These are the children of God.
And God can have good and bad children.
The children of God, or if one wishes, the warrior/servants of God have powers of doing and thinking, of seeing and of hearing that cannot be found in Mortal Man. Mortal men say things that mean nothing, unless it be in an artificial and secular mind set, or within a "civilised" and politicized commercial world.
There is a spiritual organic nature belonging to words, to the letters of which they are composed. Indeed only an immortal man could actually ignite their sublime yet discrete subtle substance. He could create and sustain through their invisible plasticity, natural catastrophes or just call on the rain in days of drought. He cannot just say what pleases his own ears or that which would flatter the vainglory of some fragile demoiselle ! What he says, becomes and by the power of his speech could either be detrimental to him or to others. And this is not just metaphorical ! What he would dare believe in saying through verbal enunciation will put him to a Test,...the very words he uses will seek out to undermine and penetrate each and every crack and stronghold in him that would contradict his warranted or unwarranted intention ! He must be innocent and therefore "truly" sincere .
What is to be known cannot be said, but with the wrong words the unknowable can be made to show its ominous force. Of course their is the socio-psychological effect of words on others as well as on oneself, having necessarily an emotional impact, but it is not of this academic power that I am speaking of.
It is true that words have their limitations, just like all creatures who inhabit earthen vessels; as do the stars in the sky have an outward cloak of visibility. But these aerate/earthly schematic/frames that form words do not deny what is cognizant in a word. With conscious intent a veritable man can with noble enterprise make active what is otherwise invisible through a theurgic will by and with just simple words.
But once again, we are not speaking about describing things, or of explaining ideas with words, whereby all meaning depends on whom or to whom one is speaking. Words mean nothing without their psycho-social content and a certain imagined historical context behind them. ...and of course men are not equal in their understanding, or just have'nt the same capacities or tools in order to understand, etc.
al Khidr
Be careful then of what you might say, of what you might think before saying it. It doesn't really matter to whom you might speak, or of what you might be speaking of. But only if you are worthy to say what you say and know what you are saying, because the words that come from your mouth will juge you and see to it, that what you speak, you speak truly. Having learnt, that there is a powerful virtue in you and in what you might say !
"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the
heart, and those defile the man."
Matthew XV:18
Noble Men of supernatural birth cannot just do or say anything. They must live with the consequences of what they have said and will say. When their inspirations make themselves known in the ethereal and physical domains, using physically spoken words, these words will act upon the speaker as well as on those who will listen without having to be in some sort of trance or hypnotised; and if these words are filled with a spiritual fluid justifying their sacred activity, then what has made itself manifest will be their Pleromic activity.
You can speak out loudly and no one will understand, except those who belong to the Pleroma's Initiatic Praxis. Dead souls have no understanding and these same words through their speech may seem to be transformed, in their midst, into calculated and pleasing lies.
Addendum : And since the "principles of reason and life" can never be grasped by the orders they establish, it is through the Soul's preconceptual contact with the gods that it sees and knows them.
Prof. Gregory Shaw on Iamblichus
The Supernal Principle of Honor is the Substanciating Power of each word spoken. You are an immoratal, and each word you pronunce regardless of whether it be here with your feet on the dust of your ancestors' broken bones and deteriorated flesh or only thought on some psycho-astral plain among their ghosts :
Your word is your honor and honor is the real value of all and any soul, and more than any other creature inhabiting this delusional deathly existence the honor inherent to the noble immortal should give a magical caracter to what he speaks when he wants to make something known(but be careful of throwing away your pearls to swine) even in a blog on google chrome ! Inspite of the so called imperfections in this electro-plastic world of denartured transgenenic men and women, when we say something pertaining to the sacred nature of life in its battle to be, we fill with an immortal sense the imperfect words we use...and the spirit will juge us as we have juged because we just cant escape from what we say or know ! ...and yes the others do seem to flee, but only in appearance, and yet because they have no Honor to sustain them beyond death which would permit them to brush aside the sentinal-archons who gard the passage ways they will perish for having insulted Life's Sacredness.
My loyalty is my honor. My honor is my Word.
Perhaps this illusional world and those belonging to it are just simply incapable of listening..., being unprovided with that quality which would whisper its Immortal and Eternal Nature to itself.
The Supernal Principle of Honor is the Substanciating Power of each word spoken. You are an immoratal, and each word you pronunce regardless of whether it be here with your feet on the dust of your ancestors' broken bones and deteriorated flesh or only thought on some psycho-astral plain among their ghosts :
Your word is your honor and honor is the real value of all and any soul, and more than any other creature inhabiting this delusional deathly existence the honor inherent to the noble immortal should give a magical caracter to what he speaks when he wants to make something known(but be careful of throwing away your pearls to swine) even in a blog on google chrome ! Inspite of the so called imperfections in this electro-plastic world of denartured transgenenic men and women, when we say something pertaining to the sacred nature of life in its battle to be, we fill with an immortal sense the imperfect words we use...and the spirit will juge us as we have juged because we just cant escape from what we say or know ! ...and yes the others do seem to flee, but only in appearance, and yet because they have no Honor to sustain them beyond death which would permit them to brush aside the sentinal-archons who gard the passage ways they will perish for having insulted Life's Sacredness.
My loyalty is my honor. My honor is my Word.
Perhaps this illusional world and those belonging to it are just simply incapable of listening..., being unprovided with that quality which would whisper its Immortal and Eternal Nature to itself.