samedi 30 avril 2016

Enki, the god of inferior men: Socrate's Fish!

From underneath, froths and foams insidiously, the unconscious god of all the collective minds of Mankind. He wades thru the sinews, seeing behind and in thru the mortal flesh of all brains that inhabit the mammals of this world! His name is Enki, he is the god and Lord of the undercurrents which move (beneath) the surface of things, i.e. the black energy  who seeps into this world of our 3 dimensional inevitable demise, across the more or less stratified layers that have been structured in all organisms, palpitating unto death.

His substance is of an etheric kind. Undulatory in its manifestations; something like the parèdre of what Tantra calls the Shakti or Maya of the Psycho-Physical World: the Serpent dancing, curtains in the the perpetual wind. A dance of the Seven Veils! 

He is the serpent in the Garden of Aden. Jehovah's brother! 

Enki rules the ethereal mind of the Collective Unconscious, while his brother commands, in accordance with nature's "3 dimensional laws" the realm where men are born and must die. 

Above in other worlds, there are other gods who are but the life-mind of those who live there! And there are other, many other Pleroma.

Leaving this this World where many things are hard and refractory, except to subtle microwaves. The living soul of true men having gone beyond the realm of second death, thrive in there own company. Their new gods are themselves, while they organize other Worlds. In those places there is no civilization.

That kind of plastic slave society that belongs to pretentious Enki and his brother, another of the Annunakim, Enlil or if you wish Eloah of the Elohim!

Each world substance is made of a specific Ether. Where there is a Mind of some sort, is the proof, that that ETHER is a Living and Thinking Conscious CREATURE. Subtle or Thick, Light or Heavy!

But no Mind can exist without the Immortal Individual Soul.


No mortal man wants to die, except to escape occasionally his or her BAD LUCK. 

The Immortal Man lives on in spite of it all. He is the the Life of all Ethers!