mardi 26 avril 2016


It is the intentional unwillingness to do what is Good. It is the opposite of Good. In and of itself it is nothing, and has therefore no being. A pure outward nothingness into which all Good must dig into, up to and just to the outward extreme impossibility where there would supposedly be no place for Good.

Good is Light. And the Light which is Good is your own awareness stemming and ushering out of Infinite Being, which at each time in defeating the outward insufferable indefinite nothingness, attains unto itself, the immortal life, free and unencumbered. 
Evil is the empty unconscious underground which on inhabiting all creatures of whatever kind from and thru their own physical stupidity, lets the outside random world of non being make all their decisions, countering that Will which is Good and is Light.
In and of itself Evil is that big empty and invisible wall which in denying your right to being, to become and be what you are from all eternity, to be good and to be that light in the great darkness of it all: it refuses to bend to the Will of Light, thru its unintentional unwillingness.
Every child of mankind who unconsciously obstructs any and all Good, is an infant born of Satan. At the very moment we intentionally do not do what is Good, it is Evil which engenders us, thus betraying our very true nature which is necessarily Good, becoming thereby the meaningless evil product of that nothingness which has no will of its own. Thus burying our Light in a treacherously robotically controlled wet earth or clay. 
And that is OUR FAULT!
In any case, the fault of those who possess a soul. Because the soul is the light which is good and because of that we call this the awakened sense which all Good has inevitably. 
Those who are but just a kind of molecular flux, have neither a soul nor any root being within the Godhead. What belongs to Evil, has no "life" outside the World's genetic prison. 
The going and coming of all civilized worlds in despite of their inherent Evil, the immense nihilism which they cannot but manifest, is dependent on the Light of goodness which nevertheless is their inevitable demise. 
The True Man is Good. He depends on no civilized or controlling system in order to be really worth something. 
But the Evil Man needs laws, and customs and as well, consensual consideration, be it moral or immoral, worthy or unworthy. His irrationally logical programmed and totally artificial being thrives on Peace or in War is thrilled! Having no soul, i.e. immanent deity, only the whims and desires that belong to the vacuous Devil, who otherwise can only live on your vital absent attention-let us say the people's "mechanical-genetic consciousness"-can rule tas they do mercilessly the present as well as the future along with the past.
Civilized Modern or Post-Modern man is a synthetic creation made to be destroyed and melted down: a renewable recipiendary pretext for a New Light to fill and use with all the weight of Infinite Eternity. An occasion for the SOUL to conquer once again the death that awaits all things made and internally conjoined. 
Unless he be a Bafometh, the paternal fountain engendering in his own death a continual Awakening of Truth, the Devil will continue to disordinately rule in the darkness the unconscious moving mass of collective mankind. All Good Light being kept at bay.