Al Ghazzali came to my little house, here in the hills and knocked at my door. I opened it, there he was, the great Islamic Theologian and he said to me, "As Salam, I've got to tell you something that's just happened. Throughout the night it has been bickering at me. God said to me, go and see your friend Daniel, otherwise known as Abdullah and tell him what you must. Therefore I came as quickly as possible. If I dont tell it to you, I might forget, and then what'll I do ? To remember certain things is such a difficult painful task, that it is better I come to see you right now, better than later !
I said to him, wa alaïkoum salam wa rahmatoulahi wa barakatou. Come, sit down, and I closed the door. It was April 2015. I served him some coffee, just like he liked it, infused with some artemisia, with lots of sugar, some goat's milk as well.
Since several days now, there was like this white powder in the sky, covering everything , at night it hid the stars, at daytime it burned the skin and made us tired, making breathing somewhat difficult. Al Ghazali told me, that Shaïtan was going to go even further, now a days, in order, thanks to our magnificent technologies, to ensure that the corpse of the earth would become a hospitable place for the demon people of tomorrow,
After all, he told me, the devil was very pleased with the way things were developping, the technological advances or inhumane sciences that were at large reassured him, he said, the devil told me himself how happy he was with the sloppy morality of all our democratic societies, how wonderful it was to see so many stupid people incapable of reason deciding on important matters. Al Ghazali laughed. He said to me, "you see my friend, at that very moment I understood the happy mess he was in, and I couldn't help thinking how really idiotic and conceited this poor devil of an angel was with his ridiculous charred wings.
I said to him, but the devil, what is he who is he does he look like us somehow ?
The devil lives in an abysmal world, a mind set that would be unsettling for you as well as for me. He cannot possibly know nor conceive what it would mean "to be alive", to think and aspire to greatness, the poor bum doesn't even suspect that he cannot mesure appropriately the magnitude of little things, which cannot be lent or bought or sold nor borrowed; yet he would do away with us, he would have us annihalated, turned to nothingness !
You and me and even my dear wife, many times has the world with all its imps and desecrated human images wished our downfall, desired our disappearance! Turned its back on the noble suffering, and spat on the noble pride which must keep us going even amongst Hell's damned children !
No! ...he doesn't look at all like us. His family and those who do, are not human, but have our ressembling features, they have eyes and noses, mouths, brains and ears, but God cannot be in them, they are but a tissue of organic lies. He and his family come from nowhere, Aïn Soph is his home. Truth does not know him. This is why he always wants to destroy all that is simple, proud and good. That which has Immortal Life ! His world is an abyss, an abysmal world where no kindness, no compassion no thriving to love can be, he mocks honour, personal strength and the Power to defie Death. He is the Supreme Non-Entity, the bureaucratic coward, the "thing" which belongs to the state, he hates all Ethnic Pride, he has no sense of brotherly courage. He cannot dare, is the opposite in Nature of all Aryan peoples.
He cannot like us and will always hate all our kind. He and his kin are envious of what we are: truly human yet worth more than all the invented lies distilled each day by all the good deed doers and indoctrinated social care ladies.
After all, he told me, the devil was very pleased with the way things were developping, the technological advances or inhumane sciences that were at large reassured him, he said, the devil told me himself how happy he was with the sloppy morality of all our democratic societies, how wonderful it was to see so many stupid people incapable of reason deciding on important matters. Al Ghazali laughed. He said to me, "you see my friend, at that very moment I understood the happy mess he was in, and I couldn't help thinking how really idiotic and conceited this poor devil of an angel was with his ridiculous charred wings.
I said to him, but the devil, what is he who is he does he look like us somehow ?
The devil lives in an abysmal world, a mind set that would be unsettling for you as well as for me. He cannot possibly know nor conceive what it would mean "to be alive", to think and aspire to greatness, the poor bum doesn't even suspect that he cannot mesure appropriately the magnitude of little things, which cannot be lent or bought or sold nor borrowed; yet he would do away with us, he would have us annihalated, turned to nothingness !
You and me and even my dear wife, many times has the world with all its imps and desecrated human images wished our downfall, desired our disappearance! Turned its back on the noble suffering, and spat on the noble pride which must keep us going even amongst Hell's damned children !
No! ...he doesn't look at all like us. His family and those who do, are not human, but have our ressembling features, they have eyes and noses, mouths, brains and ears, but God cannot be in them, they are but a tissue of organic lies. He and his family come from nowhere, Aïn Soph is his home. Truth does not know him. This is why he always wants to destroy all that is simple, proud and good. That which has Immortal Life ! His world is an abyss, an abysmal world where no kindness, no compassion no thriving to love can be, he mocks honour, personal strength and the Power to defie Death. He is the Supreme Non-Entity, the bureaucratic coward, the "thing" which belongs to the state, he hates all Ethnic Pride, he has no sense of brotherly courage. He cannot dare, is the opposite in Nature of all Aryan peoples.
He cannot like us and will always hate all our kind. He and his kin are envious of what we are: truly human yet worth more than all the invented lies distilled each day by all the good deed doers and indoctrinated social care ladies.
But I must tell you why I came. Our Lord, subhana wa ta'ala, whispered in my ear this very night while I was at prayer during al witr. He said, tell Daniel, that in his heart there is a throne and only my angels can stand beneath its chair. Nevertheless, he is the one that must play the tune. He must assuage the fluttering in his cage, I'll do the rest. After all he and I are each the other's self, and must understand together, that there is only One Divine Energy in him.
...and the demons do not know this.