mardi 14 avril 2015

Pythagoras and the Earthen Vessels

Most people like the idea of "predestination", "synchronicity", in a nut shell they like believing that this eternal retour gives them a sense of value !

But why ? Ragnarok and the Cycles and Kalpas of Chronos that pinch the so called karmic destiny of man and beast. How wonderful, nothing is a coincidence, everything has a sense, thanks be to God !

But then if one could only out smart the pythagorean monster that numerically imprisons all livings things, not without mentioning all those non living things as well. If only it could be understood that all Magic Squares, all those greek gnomons are so many abstract grids that stifle the life that wants to be !

Platonic polyedrons self combining and self undoing what has just been previously combined. This sounds like Heraklitos and yet it sounds like Heraklitos ! Predestined mummies mixed with lots of amber done and undone eternally.

The earthen vessels of our organic bodies were made to be undone mathematically and to be reconstituted mathematically whether it be with sun in the middle of the heavens or the earth as the outer surface of our Hell. Biologically conjugated and fed on nano-particules we are prisoners of an earthen sky and the stars that are buried knee deep in the mud of corpses !

Imagine, prisoners of an earthly sun with earthly stars to gauck at ! Are we the Pythagorean contraptions of an alienated Geometer, or are we the "pre-destined" Contradiction to this enormous Platonic Machination ?