jeudi 30 avril 2015

which was hidden will be revealed

les eaux célestes ou lait de la Vierge
the celestial earth 
or the Virgin Mary's Milk

L'Estoile de Vénus Martiale
La Griffe du Lyon Vert 

The Holy Seal, gift from the Polar Star 

The Shadow of the Black Sun
in a Virgin's Mirror 

...these are but holy gifts after years of travail,
Do they belong to me?

  What comes to us when we are friends of God
draws down on us His Mercy

and we see as in a mirror darkly what is ours :

    Be Brave and dont throw your pearls to swine !

Be Good even in the face of Evil,
We are but god-men,
going down
and like Dante
must come out to the
Other side to make a sham of it All !

Barak'al lahu fiq.