jeudi 23 avril 2015

To Be Humble, To Humble and Be Humbled !

                                                                                                                Jesus respondit : 

Regnum meum non est de mundo hoc : Si ex hoc mundo esset regnum meum, ministri mei decertarent ut non traderer judaeis : nunc autem regnum meum non est hinc !

                                                  Evangelium secundum Johannem xviii

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this World : if My kingdom were of this World , 

then My servants would have fought body and soul for Me, and would not have had Me delivered  to the Jews : but as it is, My kingdom is not from this place !

Jésus répondit : Mon royaume n'est pas de ce Monde : si Mon royaume était de ce Monde,

Mes serviteurs aurait combattu bec et ongle pour Moi, et n'auraient pas permis que Je sois livré aux Juifs : mais comme il n'en est pas ainsi : Mon royaume ne peut avoir lieu ICI !

Here upon this mountain, the highest in the world, whose summit no one has ever reached, were the sacred treasures and secrets concealed from the place where sin has spread among men. The water, the island, the towers, are all to guard these treasures. By the water up there are all things refreshed and renewed. The river flowing from it, whose waters all noble people venerate, has the power to strengthen the Will; therefore is it esteenmed more highly than any worldly wine. All immortal men, all true things have come down from above, and all that is to be secured from destruction is there preserved !
                                                               Anne Catherine Emmerich
Ici sur cette montagne, la plus haute du monde, dont le sommet n'a jamais été atteint, étaient cachés des trésors sacrés et des secrets. L'accès en était interdit à ceux du monde où s'était répandu le Mal parmi les hommes. L'eau, l'isle, les tours, sont là ensemble pour garder les trésors. Grâce à l'eau là-haut toute chose était rafraîchie et renouvelée. La rivière qui y coulait et dont les eaux sont vénérées par tous les peuples nobles, a le pouvoir de fortifier la volonté. C'est pour quoi, elle est plus estimée que tous les vins du monde.  C'est d'en haut que sont venus tous les immortels, et tout ce qui est vrai. Et tout ce qui sera préservé d’annihilation y trouvera sa demeure ! 

                                                                Anne Catherine Emmerich

Satan is not a godsend, a precious gift which the Divine would make to noble warriors. He cant be a godsend because God only sends what He sees and the awareness which accompanies truth, the lightning which strikes the dead things that would blind my eternal eye. Satan is the opposite of Grace. Satan is the one struck by lightning. This lightning flash distills from the vulgar mind, which suppreses what is supernal, what belongs to Him. 

Without this bright gift it would be as if God ignored His kind, acted as if He  had no reason to be, and this would be as if to say, God had forgotten Himself, as if he had lost all vital intention, and all things in an instant would no longer be !

This is Holy Saturday.

...and what He loves He cannot forget. That which He loves, prevails. That which He sees is, and the Spirit will come back to the Man in the Tomb.
...all those terrible holy battles we fight, when the diabolical "spirit" thinks only of  cheating and lying and to be clever, will with Time show, to what extent a high and invisible place has been assigned to the holy begotten.

...and my feet do not slip, and I have taken root in the Holy Earth.

When demon people hate others for what they are intrinsically or seemingly, we in turn can only hate what we are not : those empty places where our innate and majestic qualities have been forgotten, empty places that can only pertain to mortal men.

Why be afraid of automatons, and their pressing multitude. The Astral World can only crush what I hold on to in a spectre world.

The humble minded searches within himself to break open the heart, to tear up from its spiritual dirt, those narrow slits which the sly and petty  have managed to astrally poison.

The devil is not the humbler. To humble is to punish Hell's useless dust, to cast out something which infects from the inner outside of things, the pur substance which clothes the Holy Body.

He who is humble by humbling, does not humiliate, spares those who shall not be burnt in the Final Battle(like Lif and Lifthrasir in Ragnarok), because no matter how very much Evil and its denizens might hurt or want to insult what is Humble, they somehow unintentionally make him more august : his soul is attached to the Central Pillar which maintains all and every living thing, alive. He is ever enduring, like the thrust of a sword which would penetrate to the other side. and even then he shall not be killed. He will but barely let go an instant. What resists shall be done away with, but the humble have nothing to lose, being in a state of inner abandon, knowing innately, their kingdom cannot be, among the dead blind souls.

Surely, it is frightening to speak of such things, and some if not all sacred mysteries must be aproached cautiously with great reverence, but yet whether it be electronically or by writ in paper books, the devil will find you be assured, be it in mind or body, till the coming end of all life in our pratical and superstitious world. That which is Holy cannot be sullied. It is only make believe,... even if it really does hurt !