Eugène Canseliet
From our current lifeless mechanical state that claims the right to exist for its own sake, we must form a living being with the sole purpose of serving a higher idea.
Adolf Hitler
The will is the invisible and dangerous sulfur, that must be harnessed within our burning furnace. This is what impregnates the diaphanous hermetical water which the angels have brought to the abysses of this earth which lies dumbfoundedly in wait, to be redeemed.
Your faith burns in the outreaches imprisoned by men's invented plastic bars, they have hand cuffed you, but you had only come to make war on the little minded and miserly. You were there to warn, but this lying vulgar world was not your home. They put you in a prison cell and then surepticiously did away with you.
Yet, in spite of all such evident appearances, you were still the master of your Fate, and you belonged to those who dare to do otherwise, to save those who were short sighted. But did they deserve your love and, your Honour.
The soul goes off into the skies and comes back to clothe the desolate dead body, abandoned by your timely demise. You have drunken eternity's breuvage, your spouse kisses your noble brow.
Where the Star strikes and shudder's through the wonderful calling messanger's proclamation, God says, I shall take back what is mine. The Star will fall...but you will burst in on the molten corpse. I will drive the sword into your mind's heart. You will be reunited and wed to a new transformed Aryan self ! You will be a brother of the True and courageous Christ.
Look there, above in the Firmament is the Emerald Crown, your soul sits within its substance, I shall place it on the corpse with the celestial waters, and I will blacken you to make a Golden Image with your True Face.