The Black and Dark Age of Man will have become no more, thus it has been surmised that there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
Humaity shall have been renewed or have become something else, perhaps all of those who will have been renewed will have become Aryan in nature. For how can there ever be a New Golden Age without being innately so, that is, Aryan ?
When a Preserver of Goodness and Nobility comes to our unredeemable world of shadows he doesn't come in order to save "this world", or its hypocritical "principles", or even to look upon its cowardly slaves, who think only of obeying their squalid and egomaniacal appetites. He comes in something like the form of the Son of Man, like a Flash of Lightning he hurdles and strikes instantly, dauntlessly. His courage is of a supernal kind, and his power is godly !
Only the brave and noble can go near him. Only those who know that there is a hereafter shall not be frightened. Innocence is a thing not of this world and those creatures who have never deviated from their natural law could never be afraid.
What is clean and noble in the heart can dare to be itself.