lundi 12 octobre 2015


The transcendent soul is the only thing that exists. Other than God's ineffable watching eye of non-being, there is nothing else !

Holding on to wishful doing in a secular mind within all virtual et concevable possible worlds can't free you from what you are innately. You must assume what you are and whatever you have ever been !

Your duty to yourself, is to take it with you, that is what you are inevitably, and to forget what it is that you are whether it be according to others or to what ever eventual parasitical interpretation might interfere with your immanent emptiness. 

The forgetting becomes seeing and the seeing is what is God's power in you, making you what you are in what you are in and of yourself. Even all the possible technologies which are realized, cannot warp the free mind. Everything is challenge. You are God's proof of his immortal inexistence. 

In the end, everything here and there is but fleeting shadow and or a desperate terror or sensual joy that mortal hearts were made for. The black goo stains then imbibes taking root in what must eventually disappear and die. It is always Solve et Coagula. 


What ever body you occupy belongs only to a certain instant amongst all the multiple states of being that are possible. God knows where you are when you know it for your self.

Dont get carried away by what ever flesh clothes your incarnate soul. It could be mechanically derived or predestined in its very manufacture ! Call it what you will : causal, subtle or mental and earthly ! All flesh of what ever kind is mineral, vegetal or animal(just so much hydrogen, nitrogen oxygen and carbon) all of these or one or other of their combinations.....putting it all together depends on the invasion of the bare bones of this world's matter or of another world's absence of it.

What comes from beyond is what is seething in your soul's convoluting entrails. To fathom the depths of your own abyss makes way in the hollow earth, the preparation of a new earth and a new sky.

Wherefore a new and transformed better body, of a better  aryan material !

When the Holy Spirit invades all those worthy corpses that inhabit the ghost world deep in the black bowels of the inner earth, they become black ! A sentient oil. A sacred incense that could only be misunderstood for something evil, by all those who haven't yet died to their prefabricated selves. 

We are frightened by the Gorgon's mask over the oven's door. Like little children we cry, and our preprogrammed or predestined ephemeral bodies panic ! The heroic adventure of being scurries away, to hide itself in cowardice's polymer tombstone box.  

But what of it ? 

Even this and more, if you take it upon yourself to carry your own cross, will eventually become the necessary cadaverous black substance which our Black Sun generates. 

Only those good and honorable heros who have assimilated even that which would be ignominious, repugnant and shameless, will pass thru into Being's black hole and be washed of all dross. 

God in His magnificent unsubstantial inexistence is the Resurrector of  true being. The Black Sun is the sacred door to Higher Self, into what is beyond self. Into that which has no self.

But you, are Illuminatus ! 

Who but those who honor Death, are assisted by Death's promise. These are those who live beyond all being of body.

Resurrection invades the crippled warrior.