In each space and defined volume, I have written my name. Within every closed corner my spirit is bleeding radiantly.
Afterwards, when all which would be astrally and for fortune's sake, conceivable has finally been put on the table so to speak, and blinded itself, as Oedipus, then I shall shatter what is left if there be the least remnant of anything horrendous.
The primary premise with its a priori, enslaves what is to be decided, evolved, developed, and must inevitably grow to wither amidst its detritus. From history's deceitful rotting weeds, I'll make in the next round of these, a diaphanous structure for the self to come. A cristal cave with eagle's wings.
What has issued itself from Chaos, will guide you amongst the pebbles, around the rocks of those who fled stupidity, preserved their seed, lifting open the iron door of their dark being :
Seeking nothing, and having no inclination toward whatever might please any kind of imaginable predestination, since birth and in spite of all the prepared obstacles, growing in each crook and cranny, I have cheated what cheats, betrayed what betrays; listened only to what gives root in Paradise.
Even the soul dies. Is broken by fire into cinder then turns to ash. Is washed. Cleansed.
I have given sustenance to what is seen. What Evil has planned subsides in its own wasteland. There are two lords, yours and their's.
Mine belongs to me ! The other made what we call Mankind. The Puppet People. Of them there will be nothing left. Neither here nor there.
The mechanical assemblages combine together, putting in a concrete iron cage of complexe circuitry a fallaciously construed phantom. Which breeds across Fortune's environmental scheme. It starts off as 1, then becomes 2 and makes 3. All premises determine their progeny.
An enclosed space with its predesigned encapsuled multidimensional outline, impinges through its preconceived faction, on the free mind. The organic brain is the machine that inhibits true thought and clear vision.
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nosce te ipsum |
Let no man tell you what is to be thought. Let no man but yourself be your master. Think for yourself ! Let God be your Guide.
The sense of self is not mortal. And does not reside in the electro-mechanical organism.
Except of course, for those whose somatic body is all there is.
The stars in the heavens are made of earth. The sky above as well, is impermanent. These are what rule the destiny of all animal men.