mardi 13 octobre 2015

Hypogeum and the Gnostic Perception

Living in an earthen vessel the gnostic knows that he is buried, alive ! That his soul, or higher self is what is worth living for. Which means all else is just eventual  dross, even Gaia. Or in any case the Gaia, material worshippers of mortal matter praise and have all thru time praised.

Our earth, the one inside us, is of a spiritual sort. It has a subtle diaphanous warm nature and is like a light veil put upon a corpse before it's been interred. But remember, even this substance is an earth, though a kind of dust suspended by nothing, and that not even morphic resonance or any kind of frequency can harm or touch. Let alone affect in any way from the outside its otherness.

This hyper-material body which we define across our life's history will be released from the materialistic Gaia at our death. And only if it at one time or another, we have seen with our inner vision, that all here is irrationally absurd and in itself, has no metaphysical concrete importance. It is us who with our perfected spiritual progression throw a geometrical net on the universal vastness. Our one seeing eye which coheres the immense mortal mess.   

Because the true Gaia is invisible, of celestial origen and gives birth to free beings, whose sense of somethingness is not shackled by illness or in a word by any kind of mechanical or biological doom she is symbolized by a Virgin, Isis or Hathor or Maat. This is our divine Mother. She is the heavens which give birth and body to a spiritual self. This is when we come out of the existential disaster of living in a cellular vehicle  which by its very internal construction, prevents the souls of those born here, in the dirt to be liberated a certain time, and makes man into a beast.

Qui potest capere capiat 


The gnostic doesn't care about saving race or salvaging the mortal realm of all the universes ! Each universe can take care of itself and couldn't give a damn about the weather or what political power will rule men and animals.

He know's that he's in Hell or in a purgatory in this world. He lives each and every day, knowing that tomorrow or maybe today, God will command him and take him away to Home. He'll die here, but will be alive elsewhere.

Soma sema.