lundi 2 novembre 2015

Machinations and Mass Indoctrination from those who pretend to be Awakened, hunting in the Conundrum of Maya : The Kalki Post Modern Hoax ! When will the Real Viracocha come !

What ever men may say, buy and sell masking it with New Age Folk bullshit, BEWARE ! All is a methodically calculated delusional and ecologically contrived trap for those who are sufficiently vain and culturally stupid to listen ! 

Awareness is not of a democratic substance, neither is it human, nor shall it ever be. It is not for the masses, their plebeian mind set, because by its mysterious and initiatic nature, awareness is of a supernatural order, and cannot subsist in a realm where mortal men live move and thrive, hypnotically ! It is so to speak, above the surface of the waters of this world, where what many might call reality is nothing but a fish bowl where most everything living in the artificial world, is drowning perpetually !

All the linguistic semantic tricks imaginable are useless in conveying what it means to die to oneself and to what one once believed or knew and then to awaken, free from the cinematographic shackles of any kind supposed, be it red pills or  bleu ones ! 

There is only one friend in life, and he has an incredible name and his name is Death. Death to one's self and to the selves of others. Afterwards, Kalki will come and make a ruin of our races, to restore them to their rightful spiritual lords in their corresponding heavens and hells : the Four elements inspired by One King will flow from the Fours corners of a new Igdrasil. And we who do not sleep will invoke the Furies just before the Good End.

Thesaurizate autem vobis thesauros in caelo ! : Ubi neque erugo neque tinea demolitur, et ubi fures non effondiunt nes furantur. Ubi enim est theasaurus tuus, ibi est et cor tuum !
Matt. vi : 20, 21. 

Nolite dare sanctum canibus !!!(ejus mundum et sui auditorium), neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos(Internet et media tota possidet eius servituti illius subiugavi)....Matt. vii : 6.  

may those who listen, die to their outer social and psychological selves !

Can one really add anything of consequence to those words above, attributed to the Lord Christ. Even the so called archons melt away in the deserts of Walmart, Carrefour and Corte Ingles while listening to some silly pod cast ! God doesn't care about David Icke, Alex Jones or Red Ice Radio.

It is the disclosure of the sleeping heart which at death's summoning will break the magic spell of those who apparently pretend to tell you how it is. 

Thank God !