The boy took a bucket, filled it with water but slipped and dropped it.
How horrendous, all that water that flowed out!
On the sand near some dry clay where there were ants, climbing and clinging to a little earth hill, big enough to fill the hands of any unwanted nephilim, the water disintegrated in the wink of an eye, the very foundations of the very important ant village inside the little hill.
What a sight : all those ants, drowned! Disappearing amidst aqueous waves. Of water.
Astrologically, it was all meant to teach them a lesson. Astronomically the stars in the night sky, existed only to tell them, they were not capable of foreshadowing such an event.
They were stupid ants! Incapable of empiric understanding, and thus of spiritual foresight; ô God forbid!
Certainly, their very belly buttons were the universal axis of all cosmic and living virtual things. Surely one day the ants would wake up to an universal comprehension and a certain cosmic consciousness? No.
The young boy, picked up the bucket and went back to the sea. He said to himself : this time, I'll be sure I won't drown any ants! What for? They didn't do anything to me.
Mum says, when their in the kitchen. Have to get rid of them.