We cannot be all masters, nor all masters
Cannot be truly follow'd...
In following him, I follow but myself...
I do beseech you,
Though I perchance am vicious...
(As I confess, it is my nature's plague
To spy into abuses, and oft my jealousy
Shapes faults that are not)...
Iago in The Tragedy of Othello
Slander belongs to the man who cheats, aware. He uses the intellectual inability of others to thwart their indolent intelligence(making a mockery of them), knowing that, that which surreptitiously excites the mob minded individual, is exercised enviousness and its inveterately practiced jealousy. Preconditioned thoughts, the insincere conscience, and all kinds of inculcated mythomania are in general the heritage of the collective unconscioussness of those peoples! To know how to take advantage of those weaknesses belongs to those who know how to use the art of slander. Often it is really only the fault of an irresponsable collective mind, if Slander can operate so easily... if a people cannot in any way retrieve its own free will to think for itself as so many individual souls, is it any wonder that a sly man can dupe or "trump" a stupid and "unconscious" crowd in which there are no personal thinkers of even the slightest sort !
To slander is to undermine the psychological defenses of another. A slanderer insidiously can sway a lazy mind, and by all means even more so, influence all lazy minds in order to discredit an adversary, and again, even if there is no adversary for any reason, he shall search out to make one, just so as he can show to himself just how ubiquitously moronic the average man is in agreeing with him, when accusing or injuring morally the innocent man which he has targeted.
To make the better man seem a scoundrel in the eyes of an ignorant public. To undermine another's soul or personal character rather than to respond directly to another man's discourse, injuring more the person and his outward aspect or reputation, than to reply with rational proofs or at least an honest logical sentence to the other's argument, so as to deviate all attention or serious inquiry into his propos !
The mob mind is so easily distraught. Can be without difficulty mesmerized into believing whatever malicious minds meditate, is it really worth it to want to inculcate them otherwise. Is it better to hypnotise with other ideas ?
The better man, even when slandered, couldn't give a damn. He can be attacked physically, injured by word of mouth or ruined socially, what it is makes him better sustains him in all quibbles amongst liars, that to know what is true in his heart suffices. Because he has no malice in him, which could deprive him of knowing himself and of what is his invisible foundation.
All mob minded people who are selfish or just simply jealous and effeminate are at the mercy of slander and its servants. They'll always jump to the occasion of smothering or defiling a good man. Who is neither deceitful nor capable of speaking seductive words to entice the meager and inferior self. The mob likes what flatters its communal conceit. The mob adores its own reflective image in those that are its incarnation. A people is in their leader's image.
To be slanderous of what is Noble and Better, morally, is a token of being a come and go, idol of the mob's true heart.
The better man flees the vulgar. The truth knows how to defend itself.
But if confronted for what he is or stands for, will stay and do battle till the truth wins ! Those who slander and those who listen to them, dont deserve Truth nor can they accept its simple premisses.
I will speak of back biting another day, as it is, slander in itself is better known by those who employ its methods, and the better man is often at a loss in understanding its channels or whys and hows : if decent people actually existed, would they permit themselves to be abused by it. Could a scoundrel manipulate their thoughts with such ease ? And without shame could they even pretend to relate to those who slander.
Perhaps in the hearts of those too human, slander has found a nesting place since the time of Eden.
Or perhaps, the men of today are just not even men, not human in anyway ! Only a back biting man or slanderous person could stoop to listening to the devils in their organic nature....and thus as well be convinced by those who slander and are better at it.
After all the devil or what is inferior can only communicate with what appeals to an ignoble nature !
In fact, their are only 144,000 real humans at this moment in this numbered world.
In the end, it is those who pretend having already attained the "human state of being", who simply fall short in their moral character of the animals in the wilderness.
Perhaps God created them in His own Image, and what man sometimes believes himself to be, is only good for the dust bin.