lundi 24 août 2015

Cognitive Dissonance


Where does it come from ?

Who made it appear ? For what reason ? Why ?

Those who cannot embrace its feet, or refuse to do so, are flung aside, or stomped on. 

Conceit is what makes a man or a woman smirk. Makes him condescending, when in his life all is going well, or not. 

Vanity has sex with conceit then gives birth to pretentiousness. And the pretentious dine together on the ruins of those who will resurrect in the futur world of Gold.

The condescending will just disappear. Their corrupt atoms disintegrating into tomorrow's "larves".

Those who love to dirty their eyes with factory sweets persist in fancying themselves above the primordial type of man, in whom nobility is a gift from birth and cannot be educated. They create schools and from there, governments; because a school is for brainwashing where one chooses the best trained domestic dogs who in natural conditions could not fend for themselves ! But in an invented structured situation could make believe, having created language grammar and syntaxe that they can explain with their linguistic toys, the Cosmos and God and ...Man.

We come to this plane of species existence, as beings that are a part ! And we can't do anything about it. And I for myself would rather be as I am, then to become what I can't be !

An oak tree is an oak tree, the grass, grass. The magnificent mountain ash is and never would wish to be ought else. Unless to hide itself among the poplars, to camouflage its outward appearance like the chestnut trees in a forest of beeches.

Is a mosquito less than a grasshopper or a kitchen fly incapable of knowing what it sees. Are men really above bugs.

Do men know what they see ? Do they really know what they're looking at ? Who taught them what they know and how to speak ? And those who taught, did they know what they were looking at ? Did they know what they knew ?

Today, not only schools and politicized administrations, brain washed psychoanalysts, media, your local Masonic lodge and the pal down the street have taught you, and teach you, WHAT TO KNOW. But also those who christen themselves as  against The New World Order. These and their like tell you what's to be known and how to know...because maybe they've been taught to tell without knowing they themselves are told what to tell, and what should be said ? Truly, wouldn't they like to brainwash others as well into believing that they're capable of thinking for themselves ?

But an honest man knows this.

The Primordial Man knew this as well, before there were any schools or Civilized Social Networks !

There are two kinds of Man. The Braindead man who needs societal recognition, a place in some political agenda or to be something according to Plato's "The Republic, or The Laws or in his Politics", and the Holy Ghost Man, conceived by God from all Eternity within the Principle of all Being.

But of course for those who need schooling to know what I am talking about, they would only become well trained watch dogs and nothing more. 

Just very dangerous professional thugs.