...if you cant hear them when they speak to you, its no wonder they think that Man has abandonned creation and the secret center of all living things. For only perverted men can create dead things but having the similacra of what would be a living entity and not lend themselves to the hearing of voices in the psycho-physical realms where there are other creatures who have been made by the All-mighty Father of All that is Truly Living!
In any case Plato wont be able to help to anyone, and as for Aristotle, think again and already what was the world will have been annihilated in the wink of one eye!
Is it really those of the mediocre middle class life who would be the leading members of our communities that are fit to govern there own destiny and ours ? I surely hope not. For they are abnoxious and bereft of all spiritual viable matter! Their Ideal makes one go to sleep with boring gloom on one's brow. Where there is nothing noble of worth there is no use in keeping it for others! And what is middle class is just that, of middle or mediocre quality.
What they hear with their scholastically conditionned and benumbed ears is what it pleases them to listen to.....or what it pleases someone or something else to make them hear or believe. No man has a right to rule if the heavens do not assist him in his endeavor to harmoniously organise mankind in its relation to all here on earth and with that which is above and what interests the layman of our times are his pleasures and his democratic right to rule without having the wisdom of the gods, or the cleverness of those good entities which inhabit the elemental spheres here on our earth or in those starry skies which overlook us.
Man seeks unwittingly his inaugurated death. And apparently only evil and those who belong to it accompany the postmodern technocratic middle class MIT.
Yes. Death in this Time of Holy War is a welcome godly given GIFT! Seek it not though, for the battles in this "War" come to us without our having to do anything specifically.
We are meant to abide, never to be forsaken even in the abysses of the torn earth where only the mentally depraved sought their arbitrary justice!
For our Divinity lives and seeks what is Hers in us.
Our daimonic genies will not leave off the fighting of our holy battles.