lundi 7 septembre 2015

ah !

You need to tell yourself more lies. To sink your mind into them more deeply, into Hell's mud. Then you'll you say, I knew it all the time. 

Perhaps you'll just quote Schopenhauer or Hegel. Maybe Nietzsche. Make believe, they understood what now, you pretend to understand or understood, while in fact they only said what they were told, and were nothing but a secret operation : Plato's Machination : a Confederacy of Idiots who were to give birth to post-modern cynicism.

Some men who are born under the spiteful and disdainful starry pettiness of predetermined skies escape at their birth the devil's planned ugliness !

How and why ? That is what is wonderful ! They come into the world protected by higher powers. From beyond those astrological grids which imprison for the most part, all people in all parts of the World. Even those who are alien.

They come here, to disrupt the chaotic racial quagmire : the hatred of one's own kind ! Being unpredestined, they accomplish the Father's will, because after all, what is living and what lives, according to God's plans, is animated by an unknown transcendental inexistant ideation ! The Hyper-conscious Soul of Things.

A something that not even the Theory of General Relativity, nor Quantum Physics, nor String Theory could ever account for. No mathematical slave to all these or other unmentioned sciences know. They seek in a dark room, and there are no doors and windows. 

Stuck in the mud like pigs who shit on a fellow pigs mug.

The fashioned mortal brain in their cranial box cannot perceive the wondrous incongruity ! ...neither can it watch for or comprehend, what immortal eyes must see. 

They decide when. These eyes of true being. These eyes that see what is there to see.

The Father of Hearts, knows. 

He is unable to abandon what is his.

He is more like a Boudha. He fears nothing and is loyal. He was unexpected. 

He is the Tathagatagharba. 

He will not come as a Savior for what isn't his. His brethren will recognize him at once. But he isn't a Guru ! His light will not salvage what belongs to the uncouth and sordid.

He is not the salvation of the World, but of his kind.