mardi 29 septembre 2015

Thanks to the Giants and the Beni Elohim

The Elohim knew that Jehovah would get in the way. How else would another breed of man be born ? A noble man. A golden man. A man not fearful nor of death nor of the cruel ugliness which spreads with such an easy cancerousness upon all the living ! A man who would not be frightened neither by god nor devil. A man who would be created on the eighth day in accordance with the Holy Ghost, having at its center the Christ as King and Master.

A man who truly in the Image of the Gods, would reflect in the dense and coarse heaviness, the beautiful power of those starlit beings in the dark skies. 

A true man who would relinquish nothing to barren idleness. 

And he bends down to no earthly powers. He doesn't genuflect before an empty tabernacle. 

Gaia is his Spouse, not his Tyrant Queen ! He stands straight and honors all that lives, with his very being : his own transcendent GodWho is truly unique and without an associate.  

This man's royalty breathes vitally in his conscious bosom. All creatures, here on earth, bow to him. Not because of some kind of vile servility, nor because they would be inferior in worth, but because all that which actually lives aspires to be in Peace with itself, to be happy, not like pigs in the mud, but like the little folk that watch over them and all of them with a great kindness. A tenderness.

His being emanates an inner peace and has true compassion. Not pity !

Azazel came into Jehovah's dark matter on this side of being, in order to oblige the blind cataracts of this universe to let go their imprisonment of a great beauty that would be ! A beauty that would be in spite of impur blood and dead things.

But now, all deviated things in our time, wish to be and live for those who are weak minded,  handicapped, and have a crippled soul ! 

Even the little people are terrified by the pretentious ugliness which is reaping havoc on all the living world ! The fairies flee the mentally retarded and all that is poisoned by the democratic mind set.

When will the Just reign ? 

Not here, not here. 

For the middle class mind as well as for the communist spirit, there will be no redemption. 

If you speak with angels, then it must be, that you belonged with those 200 who supposedly fell, and came down here, to elevate the ignorant animal men.  

To get them out of the hypnotic quagmire.

The Christ was one of them. 

Are you a man who would seize his soul, and make it better ?

If so, ...then, you are making yourself into an Image of God ! 

Better yet, you are becoming the divine proof of Paradise !

Because of you, all evil shall be vanquished.