mardi 8 septembre 2015

of Mortal Combats and Gnostic Joking ! Kore Kosmou.

I would look into space and say what I see and have seen with my mortal eyes was only a pretext. A preamble before meeting all the dead at the center of the world.

If your stomach hurts, do you just keep eating away at dead things. And then complain, that eating, might kill you ? 

Really ? All those forlorn thoughts wasted on pretentious beliefs, in schools on highways or with an arrogant woman ! 

Is your animal body the only vessel worthy to your mind ?

How well groomed we are here in Death's mirifique abode. Not watching the Universal Movement of things as living in an elsewhere, provided with eternal longevity. But insisting on staying on in spite of it all, hoping one day that we might realize Plato's Republic, destroying all hope in family pride and ethnic immortality. 

Better to be a useful numbered machine in a social and loving collective, than to strive with all one's heart toward Supreme Being ! We are just buckets being emptied into the vast global nicey land. And everyone's smiling. 

Is it possible to discuss with preconditioned language, how God sees thru our eyes while He lives in the fire and the earth, in the air and the water ?

Yet already, He is elsewhere like me. Turned invisible.