What is a shudra ?
In any case, he's not an outcast, nor any sort of criminal you might be able to imagine.
The shudra built the house you're living in. He constructed the water works, and made it easy for us to drink a glass of water. He makes the pots and pans, he is the sacred artist without which no one could cook or eat his dinner.
He fabricates chairs and tables. He knows how to use a furnace and he can even build one.
Did René Guénon sit in mid air, while writing, "La Crise du Monde Moderne" ? Did he use a pen or pencil that someone took the time to make ? Did he drink coffee or tea using his hands like a cup ?
Did he sit on a toilet seat, or go outside and shit like a dog on the pavement ?
There are several kinds of outcasts !
Those who wanted to know why, and were therefore expelled from Disneyland.
And the other sort of paria who is the kind of man who hasn't any self-pride. He's a drunkard and a lout. A coward who doesn't hesitate to use others for his or her own benefit. The eternal parasite : les Thénardier are a very good example of what is going on in western countries at this moment : the socially assisted feeble minded who in their boredom sleep drink and fuck all thanks to the state. And oh yes, they have lots of children waiting to become like Mom and Dad. Social Security Workers love them.
They're for Greenpeace, smoke rolled cheap tobacco, only eat biological food, id est without GMO, sell and smoke grass and wish that everyone on earth would pay them a ride to India, Mexico or South America ! They hate to share with the educated and curse God for their misfortune, because of course they're very smart and above in value over the lucky rich who exploit them !
They've replaced the ancient aristocracy. Thanks to social and very humanitarian benefits. The middle-class pays for their wonderful holidays.
There are three kinds of Magicians. They can't help but hide !
They are not filled with themselves and honor one Lord.
They are hyper cosmic of origin. They belong to no one, and have no cast. They are not afraid even though spied on or watched from afar. They mix with everyone, even with outcasts. But the outcast is too conceited to be able to recognize a true king !
There are three categories of magicians.
They are Gaspar, Melchior and Balthatzar.
...et à Dieu seul la Gloire.