If only we could get him to fit in !
To become just like one of us, a slob just like one of us. Another one taken from the wild and unknowable place of misunderstandings.
If it could be realized, finally, peace on earth and sheep eating tigers.
We would all be so wonderfully just so much more happy on holidays on the beach. Eating ice cream, and reading this summer's popular novel on the towel on the sand, baking like bread in the sun.
We've got to make him fit in, or we'll just have to get rid of him. He's worse than Gaddafi but not as mad. He's not as crazy. He has better soldiers and a big friend who lives in a house next to his back yard.
Harassing doesn't seem to work. But we'll find a way. It's easier to take away his family and home than with the others we bullied. After all we are the servants of the chosen people. Their god is on our side.
Problem is, he has a big friend next door.
But we'll find a way. Then he'll be googled. Put away in a drawer. His name will be in our dictionaries, our electric powered encyclopedias. Or perhaps we'll just pretend he never existed. Was never a threat. Who was he ?
A bit of electronics and we can taser him ! We could send some sand storms and perhaps some uneducated morons on the soil.
When some one does well without us, we dont like that. It's not fair. Look what Hitler did. Best economy in the world before we got rid of him.
With Al Assad, all those religions living together under one rule. We didn't say, he could do that. No, it's not fair.
We are the International Golden Standard. We are the Law. We decide.
We serve one purpose, Satan's pleasure. Chaos out of Order, that's our motto.
Chao ab ordo !...and not the other way around, like dimwits think.